Roxy Blazebreak

Dragon Tamer

Although I am still only a student at Hogwarts - not even of age; only 16 to be precise, I am said to be the youngest dragon tamer in just about a millennium.

  • Joined August 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 16 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • Australia


Dragons are among the most dangerous and magical of creatures in the world, wizarding or otherwise. Although I technically should be a student at Hogwarts - not even of age; only 16 to be precise, I am said to be the youngest dragon tamer in just about a millennium. I graduated two years early having impeccable grades and one of the most brilliant minds since Rowena Ravenclaw herself. I was a proud Gryffindor and I was a beater for the Quidditch team (First female starting beater in about fifty years). I am a metamorphmagus and my preferred look would be a turquoise or mauve pixie cut. Being a pureblood, I have grown up listening to stories about dragons. I always loved Care of Magical Creatures and always took it as a subject. Dragons come in a variety of moods and personalities, and while they can be persuaded to tolerate a Witch or Wizard’s presence, their mood can be quite the fickle thing. I came pretty close to being toasted once, but my partner warned me just in time and I was able to apparate away (Apparation Laws don't apply to me). Splinched a fingernail too, but compared to what's on my shoulder, that’s nothing. I still get some funny looks from all the scars and burns I have acquired while working. I work along side Charlie Weasley who is more of a big brother rather than mentor. I have grown up with the Weasleys as I was disowned in my 5th years because I refused to have an arranged marriage. Those who wish to find out more, follow me.

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