Olivia Rosewood


  • Joined August 2016
  • Member of Gryffindor
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


I am Olivia Rosewood and a member of Gryffindor. My parents were both in Gryffindor and Godric Gryffindor (one of the four founders of Hogwarts) is a very old relative and sits far above our family tree. I have grown up in Godric's hollow, a small West Country village in England for most of my life. My family enjoys telling many stories about our past to others, the stories tend to include courage, strength and equality to wizards, witches, muggle-borns and creatures. Therefore, I guess this is why the sorting hat picked Gryffindor.
The sorting hat was placed onto my head and all the hat said was "interesting".....Gryffindor!! So, i guess it was very immediate.
I am pureblood. I was born in England. I was alive in the UK during the time He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named rose to power, although, my memory of this is not that great due to my young age at the time. But, I remember the devastation and sadness it brought across the wizarding comunity.
My greatest strength is my courage and determination. These two strengths help me to improve my wizarding skills and create postive outcomes in my life. I also like to see myself as being a very loyal person. On the other hand, my greatest weakness is my stubborness, i tend to show so much determination that i struggle to change my attitude or position on something, oops!
After school, i would love to work on my career and i am striving to become an Auror. I know it's a dangerous job, but someone has to do it. I think i can use my courage and the fact i think quickly on my feet to my advantage. Also, no two days are ever the same and i feel like i thrive in a spontaneous environment. As well, I would love to create my own family, including pets! Finally, finding the special one/other half is very important to me too.
The most fascinating aspect of magic to me is believing. Overall, I want to use magic to help others.
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