All Spells
By Levy Crusapi
Many spells discussed in lessons in all the courses
Last Updated
Nov. 18, 2024
DADA (501)
Chapter 9
Spell: The Blasting Curse
Concentration: High
Willpower: Moderate to high
Incantation: Confringo (con-FRIN-go)
Wand Movement: Point wand at target
Spell: The Expulso Curse
Concentration: Moderate
Willpower: Moderate to high
Incantation: Expulso (ex-SPUHL-so)
Wand Movement: Point wand at target
Spell: The Detonation Hex
Incantation: Bombarda (bom-BAR-dah)
Wand Movement: Draw a circle around the target object, then jab your wand at it
Concentration: Moderate, on the intended target. Loss of concentration can result in the wrong target being blown up.
Willpower: Moderate to high
Spell: The Blindfolding Spell
Incantation: Obscuro (ob-SKOO-roh)
Wand Movement: A horizontal slashing motion across the target’s eyes
Concentration: Medium
Willpower: Medium
Spell: The Conjunctivitis Curse
Incantation: Tumeo Oculo (too-MAY-oh AH-coo-loh)
Wand Movement: A clockwise infinity symbol with a jab at the end
Concentration: Moderate
Willpower: Moderate to high
Spell: The Stunning Spell
Incantation: Stupefy (STEW-puh-fye)
Wand Movement: A downward vertical slash
Concentration: Moderate
Willpower: Moderate to high
Spell: The Reviving Spell
Incantation: Rennervate (RENN-a-vate)
Wand Movement: Point your wand at the target’s chest
Concentration: Moderate
Willpower: Moderate to high
Spell: Arrow-Shooting Charm
Incantation: Arcus (ARE-cuss)
Wand Movement: Pull your wand backward and then jab in the direction you want the arrow to fly
Concentration: Moderate
Willpower: Moderate
Spell: The Oppugno Jinx
Incantation: Oppugno (oh-PUG-noh)
Wand Movement: A slash from left to right, followed by a circular motion, and end with a jab in the direction you want the aggressor(s) to go.
Concentration: Moderate to high
Willpower: Moderate to high
Spell: The Spider Repelling Spell
Incantation: Arania Exumai (ah-RAHN-ee-ah EGGS-oo-may)
Wand Movement: An upward flick followed by a flick to the right.
Concentration: Moderate
Willpower: Low to moderate
Spell: The Ensnarement Charm
Incantation: Irretio (eer-REH-tee-oh) creature name optional
Wand Movement: A squiggly circle that starts aimed at the surface you want the vines to grow out of and moves towards the creature to be trapped by the vines
Concentration: High
Willpower: Moderate