All Spells
By Levy Crusapi
Many spells discussed in lessons in all the courses
Last Updated
Nov. 18, 2024
Charms (401)
Chapter 8
Incantation: Edo Sonum (EH-doh SO-num)
Wand Movement: Single clockwise loop.
Willpower: Low; determines the pitch of the resulting sound.
Concentration: Low.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Pax (PAHKS)
Wand Movement: Swift (fast) flick.
Willpower: None.
Concentration: None.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Prior Incantato (PRI-or in-can-TAH-toh)
Wand Movement: Hold tip of wand to tip of targeted wand.
Willpower: Low; determines clarity of the resulting spell image.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Deletrius (de-LEE-tree-us)
Wand Movement: Hold tip of wand to spell image.
Willpower: None.
Concentration: None.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Meteolojinx recanto (mee-tee-OH-loh-jeenks | ree-KAN-toh)
Wand Movement: Point wand toward target.
Willpower: Moderate to high; depends on the charm(s) to be countered.
Concentration: Moderate; Target magical weather effect.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Sonorus (soh-NOHR-us)
Wand Movement: Point wand toward target.
Willpower: Moderate; determines volume of resulting sound.
Concentration: Low; on booming voices or loud sounds. Target the thing whose sound will be amplified.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Quietus (KWIY-uh-tus)
Wand Movement: Point wand toward target.
Willpower: Moderate; determines volume of resulting sound (more willpower results in quieter sound).
Concentration: Low; on quiet sounds or silence. Target the thing whose sound is to be quieted.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Engorgio (en-GOR-gee-oh)
Wand Movement: Downward flick followed by a clockwise circle.
Willpower: Moderate; determines size of resulting object.
Concentration: Moderate; Target to be enlarged.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Reducio (ruh-DOO-see-oh)
Wand Movement: V shape down and back up.
Willpower: Moderate; determines size of object (more willpower yields a smaller object).
Concentration: Moderate; Target to be shrunk.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Gravato (gra-VAH-toh)
Wand Movement: Arc upward and back down from left to right.
Willpower: High; determines length of time target will be heavier and weight of target.
Concentration: High; Target whose weight is to be increased.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Colloportus (cull-low-PORE-tus)
Wand Movement: Upward semicircle from left to right, ending with wand pointing at target.
Willpower: Moderate.
Concentration: Moderate; Imagine the target door sealing.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Declaustrum (dee-KLAU-strum)
Wand Movement: Clockwise circle that ends with wand pointing at lock.
Willpower: Minimal.
Concentration: Minimal; Visualize the target lock locking.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Accio [optional target name] (AK-key-oh)
Wand Movement: Half-circle starting upward from the right and ending on the left.
Willpower: Medium.
Concentration: Low to high; depends on the proximity of the object. Continue concentrating on the object. Visualize the object you wish to summon. The more specific, the better.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Depulso (deh-PUHL-so)
Wand Movement: Sweep of wand.
Willpower: Medium.
Concentration: Low to high; depends on the proximity of the object. Concentrate on the target object.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Lacero (LASS-er-oh)
Wand Movement: Jagged zigzag up and down.
Willpower: Minimal.
Concentration: Minimal; Visualize the target object after is has been shredded.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Suturis (soo-TOO-ris)
Wand Movement: Zig-zag motion across division between objects.
Willpower: Moderate.
Concentration: Moderate; Visualize the two target objects coming together.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Nodatis (no-DA-tis)
Wand Movement: An X-shape connected with a half circle at the top: swish diagonally up and to the left, then around to the right in a half-circle, and diagonally down and to the left.
Willpower: Low.
Concentration: Moderate; Visualize the tied knot.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Volvalimo (vol-VA-lee-mo)
Wand Movement: Two rapid clockwise or counterclockwise circles, depending on desired direction of cartwheel.
Willpower: Medium.
Concentration: Medium; maintain visualization of an object rotating in one direction or another. Focus on the target object.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Occumbo (ock-UM-bow)
Wand Movement: Jab in the direction to topple the object.
Willpower: Low to high; depends on how difficult the object is to knock over.
Concentration: Moderate; Target object.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Inspico (in-SPIK-oh)
Wand Movement: Jagged flicks diagonally right and down then diagonally left and down. It should look like an arrowhead, just like this: “>.”
Willpower: Medium.
Concentration: Medium; Keep your mind on the target edge(s). Visualize the edge(s) in question as a sharpened point.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Glisseo (glis-EH-oh)
Wand Movement: Smooth strokes up and down twice with the wand.
Willpower: Medium.
Concentration: Medium; Keep your mind on the target edge(s). Visualize the edge(s) as smoothed over.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Marum Aeris (ma-RUE-m ay-ree-IS)
Wand Movement: Hold the wand straight out in front of you and flick it a little to the right
Willpower: Low to high.
Concentration: Moderate; Continue focusing on the feeling and sound of air moving forward past you. Imagine the feeling and sound of air moving forward past you.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Depressi Tonitruo (de-PRESS-ee ton-ih-TROO-oh)
Wand Movement: Bring together wand hand and other hand (or other part of your body) together, with wand pointed in target direction.
Willpower: Medium to high.
Concentration: Moderate; Imagine a very loud sound and attempt to focus on the target location of air.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Spissatio Aeris (spi-SA-ti-oh air-IS)
Wand Movement: Move wand in a circle away from your body and downward then back around upward and toward your body.
Willpower: Moderate; Must overcome the natural desire of the water to remain in gaseous form.
Concentration: Strong; Continue focusing on the feeling and sound of air moving forward past you. Visualize water dripping at the target location.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Vibaku (vee-BAK-ooh)
Wand Movement: Jab forward then upward.
Willpower: Medium to high; Determines how much liquid can be parted and how far it will part.
Concentration: Medium; The liquid (usually a small body of water) and the areas where it should be parted. Continue focusing on the water to keep it parted.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Silano (sil-AHN-oh)
Wand Movement: Straight jab in the direction to propel the water.
Willpower: Medium to high; determines how forcefully you push the water.
Concentration: Medium; Visualize the water moving past your wand at great speed. Continue focusing on the water moving past your wand.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Vorago (vor-AH-go)
Wand Movement: Continuous circles moving your wand closer and farther from the body. The direction in which you make the the circles will be the direction of the whirlpool’s spin.
Willpower: Medium to high; Determines the force of the moving water and, together with the concentration and other environmental factors, the size of the whirlpool.
Concentration: Moderate; The location where the whirlpool should occur. Visualize a whirlpool at the target location.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Defodio (deh-FOH-dee-oh)
Wand Movement: Move your wand upward, to the right, and up once more. It should look like you are drawing the step of a staircase.
Willpower: Medium to high; depends upon the material and depth of the indent you wish to make.
Concentration: High; Keep it on the solid you want to affect. Continue to focus on the path you wish the gouging to follow. This will vary depending upon how precise you wish to be.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Efosso (eh-FOH-so)
Wand movement: Point your wand where you wish to tunnel and move it in a clockwise circle.
Willpower: Medium to high; depends on how fast the drill must turn to break through and continue pushing through the material.
Concentration: High; The object or solid you want to tunnel through. Visualize your wand creating a drill at its tip and drilling through the solid.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Evellere (ev-eh-LER-eh)
Wand Movement: Point your wand at the ground and move upwards rapidly.
Willpower: Medium to high; depends upon how durable you want the wall to be.
Concentration: Medium; The section of the ground you wish to pull up. Visualize the ground rising up to form the wall.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Formae (FOR-meh)
Wand Movement: Run your wand along the sides of the target smoothing and shaping.
Willpower: Low to medium; depends upon how much work is needed to shape the wall.
Concentration: Medium; The area of the wall you want to affect. Visualize the finished product.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Scourgify (SKUR-ji-fy)
Wand Movement: Move your wand in as S-shape.
Willpower: Low to medium; depends upon how stuck the grime is upon the object.
Concentration: Low; The object you wish to clean. Visualize the object clear, with no dust or debris.
Category: Static.