All Spells
By Levy Crusapi
Many spells discussed in lessons in all the courses
Last Updated
Nov. 18, 2024
DADA (401)
Chapter 7
Spell: The Periculum Spell
Incantation: Periculum (pur-RIK-yoo-lum)
Wand Movement: Point wand straight upwards
Concentration: Low, shooting red sparks out of your wand
Willpower: Moderate
Spell: The Bat-Bogey Hex
Incantation: Volamucus (vol-ah-MYOO-cus).
Wand Movement: A sideways hourglass
Concentration: Moderate, concentrating on the target
Willpower: Moderate (must overcome the will of the target)
Spell: The Impediment Jinx
Incantation: Impedimenta (im-PED-a-MEN-ta)
Wand Movement: A horizontal slash from left to right
Concentration: You must focus on the desired effect.
Willpower: Moderate
Spell: The Smokescreen Spell
Incantation: Fumos (FOO-mos)
Wand Movement: An outward spiral
Concentration: Moderate, on the smoke that you want coming out of your wand.
Willpower: Dependent on how fast you want the smoke coming out. More willpower will cause a faster flow of smoke.
Spell: The Freezing Spell
Incantation: Glacius (GLAY-see-us)
Wand Movement: Point your wand in the direction you want frozen.
Concentration: Low, on the effect of the spell, which is freezing the air in front of you.
Willpower: The amount of willpower required for this spell determines how long the air will remain frigid. The more willpower you exert, the longer the air will remain frigid.
Spell: The Fire-Making Charm
Incantation: Incendio (in-SEN-dee-oh)
Wand Movement: A flame shape that starts on the lower left and ends on the lower right.
Concentration: Moderate, on a stream of fire coming out of your wand.
Willpower: Dependent on the distance from the target and how difficult the target is to ignite. Targets that are further away or more difficult to ignite will require more willpower.
Spell: The Bludgeoning Hex
Incantation: Labefactum (LAH-beh-FACK-toom)
Wand Movement: A clockwise circular motion around the area to be impacted finished with a flick of the wand towards the target.
Concentration: Moderate, on the intended target of the spell
Willpower: Moderate to high, depending on the target
Spell: The Orbis Jinx
Incantation: Orbis (OR-bis)
Wand Movement: Point wand at target and draw a continuous clockwise circle aimed at the target. The wand movement must be maintained until the spell has finished.
Concentration: Moderate, on the development of the orb
Willpower: Moderate
Spell: The Confundus Charm
Incantation: Confundo (con-FUN-doe)
Wand Movement: Start with your wand on the right and move it in an upward curve to the left, bringing it down and around before moving the wand straight down
Concentration: Moderate, on the effect of the spell
Willpower: Moderate to high. Must exert enough willpower to overcome the will of the target.
Spell: The Stinging Jinx
Incantation: Pungosus (pun-GO-sus)
Wand Movement: Point at target
Concentration: Moderate, on the effect
Willpower: Moderate to High. Must be able to overcome the opponent’s willpower.
Spell: Reductor Curse
Incantation: Reducto (re-DUCK-toh)
Wand Movement: A sideways V with the bottom pointed towards the right.
Concentration: High, must be completely focused on the target
Willpower: Low to Moderate, depending on how fine you want to object to be broken
Spell: The Ventus Jinx
Incantation: Ventus (VEN-toos)
Wand Movement: A flick of the wand in a whip-like motion
Concentration: Moderate, must focus on the effect and, if desired, maintaining the wind.
Willpower: Low to moderate, depending on how strong you want the wind to be