All Spells
By Levy Crusapi
Many spells discussed in lessons in all the courses
Last Updated
Nov. 18, 2024
Charms (201)
Chapter 4
The Hardening Charm
Incantation: Duro (DOO-roh)
Wand Movement: A “D,” starting with the upward motion, then the downward curve, wand pointed at the target at the completion of the motion.
Willpower: Moderate; determines duration the object remains hardened and how hard it is.
Concentration: Moderate; The object to be hardened.
The Weight Reduction Charm
Incantation: Relevo (reh-LEH-voh)
Wand Movement: Figure-eight ( 8 ) pointed at the target, beginning in the center and moving upwards and to the left.
Willpower: Moderate to strong; affects how light the object will be and what the spell's duration will be.
Concentration: Moderate; Target whose weight is to be decreased.
The Water-Repelling Charm
Incantation: Impervius (im-PUR-vee-us)
Wand Movement: A backwards 4 shape. Starting from the left, drag the wand right, go up and diagonally left, then bring the wand straight down.
Willpower: Low.
Concentration: Low; The target object.
The Effect-Cancelling Charm
Incantation: Finite (fi-NEE-tay)
Wand Movement: A swish to the right, followed by a bend down to the left and back up (in the shape of a shield).
Willpower: Moderate to strong; depending on the charm(s) to be countered.
Concentration: Moderate to strong depending on what you are cancelling; Focus on the target object.