All Spells
By Levy Crusapi
Many spells discussed in lessons in all the courses
Last Updated
Nov. 18, 2024
Charms (101)
Chapter 2
The Wand-Lighting Charm
Incantation: Lumos (pronounced ‘LOO-mos’)
Wand Movement: Single counter-clockwise loop
Willpower: Low; determines the color of the light
Concentration: Low; lighting up the top of your wand
The Wand-Extinguishing Charm
Incantation: Nox (pronounced ‘NOCK-ss’)
Wand Movement: Flick of the wand
Willpower: None
Concentration: None
Hover Charm
Incantation: Levioso (lev-ee-O-so)
Wand Movement: Inward spiral then upward flick
Willpower: Moderate; determines how heavy of an object can be lifted.
Concentration: None
Incantation: Alarte Ascendare (A-lar-tay a-SEN-day-ray)
Wand Movement: Quick swish
Willpower: High; determines how high the object will ascend before falling
Concentration: None
Incantation: Fluito (floo-EE-toe)
Wand Movement: Jab then upward flick
Willpower: High to very high depending on weight and distance of target
Concentration: Moderate; should be maintained on target object
Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa)
Wand Movement: Swish and flick
Willpower: Low; Visualize your energy coming from your body and lifting the object.
Concentration: Moderate; on the thing you want to levitate
Incantation: Reparo (‘reh-PAH-roh’)
Wand Movement: Inward pointed spiral, continued until the object is fully repaired
Willpower: Minimal
Concentration: High; Visualization of the repaired object should be maintained until the object is repaired.
Incantation: Alohomora (‘al-LOH-ha-MOR-ah’)
Wand Movement: Backward S curving up at the end
Willpower: None for simple mechanical locks; minimal to very high for locks ranging from complex mechanical to complex magical.
Concentration: Visualization of yourself unlocking the lock
Wand Movement: Curved flick up and down (as a flame)
Willpower: Low to very high depending on the distance of the target and the difficulty of igniting the target.
Concentration: Less needed for a simple light, more needed for a continuous stream of fire. On the target to be ignited.
Wand Movement: Full circle with an upward flick toward the target at the end, then pointed where the object should go.
Willpower: Moderate to very high, depending on the distance and weight of the object.
Concentration: Minimal concentration should be maintained on the target object.
Wand Movement: Single counter-clockwise loop ending with the wand pointed toward the target.
Willpower: Low to very high; determines color and intensity of light.
Concentration: High; the target of the light.
Wand Movement: Single counter-clockwise loop, then several rapid counter-clockwise loops.
Willpower: None
Concentration: High; concentration should be maintained on all the orbs, and determines how many can be created.
Wand Movement: The infinity symbol starting and ending in the center, encircling the two objects. (∞ )
Willpower: High; determines how long the objects will remain stuck and how hard they are to separate
Concentration: Medium; on the two parts that should be stuck together
Incantation: Diffindo (deef-IN-doe)
Wand Movement: V-Shaped down and up, ending with a swish in the direction to cut.
Willpower: Low
Concentration: Moderate; The place to cut and depth of the slice
Category: Dynamic
Incantation: Spongify (SPUHN-jee-fye)
Wand Movement: S-Shape
Willpower: Moderate
Concentration: Moderate;The target object
Category: Static
Incantation: Focillo (foh-SILL-oh)
Wand Movement: Slow clockwise circles that continue while you concentrate.
Willpower: Moderate
Concentration: Moderate; concentration should be maintained on the target and warmth.
Incantation: Infrigido (in-FRIG-ee-doh)
Wand Movement: Slow counter-clockwise circles that continue while you concentrate.
Willpower: Moderate
Concentration: Moderate; concentration should be maintained on the target and cold.