All Spells
By Levy Crusapi
Many spells discussed in lessons in all the courses
Last Updated
Nov. 18, 2024
Charms (501)
Chapter 10
Incantation: Lavarops (luh-VARR-ops)
Wand Movement: A flick of the wrist towards the dishes to be washed, following by a small clockwise circle.
Willpower: Moderate; Must be increased for more stubborn messes.
Concentration: Low; Cast the spell with the clean dishes in mind.
Category: Static
Incantation: Tergeo
Wand Movement: Point wand at the object.
Willpower: Low to medium depending upon the viscosity of the liquid.
Concentration: The object you wish to remove liquid from. Visualize the liquid being siphoned from the object.
Category: Static
Incantation: Repello Muggletum (ruh-PEL-oh MUH-guhl-tuhm)
Wand Movement: A wave of the wand across the general area to be protected.
Willpower: Strong; Depends upon size of area to be charmed.
Concentration: Strong; Must focus on what the effect on the Muggle is to be.
Category: Static
Incantation: Cave Inimucum (CAH-vay uh-NIM-i-kuhm)
Wand Movement: Skyward flourish across the area to be protected
Willpower: Strong; Depends upon size of area to be charmed.
Concentration: Strong; Must focus on what the effect on the intruder is to be.
Category: Static
Incantation: Potest Intoir (poh-TEST eent-WAHR)
Wand Movement: A wave across the area to be guarded.
Willpower: Strong; Must be stronger than the will of those trying to get in.
Concentration: Strong; Must imagine an impenetrable wall around the area to be guarded.
Category: Static
Incantation: Salvio Hexia (SAL-vee-oh HEK-see-uh)
Wand Movement: Broad sweep of the wand diagonally to the left
Willpower: Strong; More willpower will create a barrier that holds against stronger hexes for a longer time.
Concentration: Strong; Keep the area in question in mind.
Category: Static
Incantation: Tumultum Adux (too-MULL-tum ay-DOOKS)
Wand Movement: Broad, sweeping arc across the area to be protected.
Willpower: Moderate to strong; Depends on size of area to be charmed.
Concentration: Strong; Determines the volume of sound to be made and who it should alarm for.
Incantation: Saeptum (sayp-TOOM)
Wand Movement: Wand above your head pointed up, move in a wide circle.
Willpower: Moderate; Determines how impenetrable your barrier will be before it is broken down
Concentration: Strong; Determines area of coverage both in size and location.
Category: Static
Incantation: Entrusus (en-TROO-soos)
Wand Movement: A point and flick at the door of the home.
Willpower: Moderate to strong; Determines the volume of sound to be made.
Concentration: Strong.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Homenum Revelio (HOH-mun-nuhm ruh-VAY-lee-oh)
Wand Movement: A point towards the home in question.
Willpower: Strong; Must overcome that of the target.
Concentration: Strong; Must be strong enough to reach throughout the entire target home.
Category: Dynamic.
Incantation: Silencio (si-LEN-see-oh)
Wand Movement: Starting at the upper right, move your wand down and left, and then back up (creating a half circle). Finish with a downward flick.
Willpower: Moderate to strong; Must overcome the will of the object making noise.
Concentration: Moderate; Focus on the sound of silence.
Category: Static.
Incantation: Talpa (TAWL-puh)
Wand Movement: Depends on target; Twirl around the body if casting on yourself, a tap on the target if casting on someone or something else.
Willpower: High; Must overcome the will of the target’s cells to remain as is.
Concentration: High; Must visualize the target appearing as their surroundings.
Incantation: Muffliato (muff-LEE-ah-toe)
Wand Movement: Point at the target.
Willpower: Moderate; Must overcome the natural desire of your voice to be heard.
Concentration: Moderate; Must imagine a dull buzz filling the ears of those around you.
Incantation: Capacious extremis (ca-PAY-shus ex-TREME-us)
Wand Movement: A slow tap on the target object with each syllable (six total taps).
Willpower: Very high.
Concentration: Very high; Must visualize the inside of the object expanding to fit an infinite number of objects.
Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa)
Wand Movement: Swish and flick.
Willpower: Low; Visualize your energy coming from your body and lifting the object.
Concentration: Moderate; On the thing you want to levitate.
Incantation: Bulla Respirare (BOO-la res-PEE-rah-ray)
Wand Movement: Two circles around the nose and mouth, one with each word of the incantation.
Willpower: Low; Keeps the bubble shaped like a bubble!
Concentration: Strong; Focus on creating the bubble and the feeling of breathing.
Incantation: Benthium (ben-THEE-um)
Wand Movement: A wave of the wand where you want the flames to land.
Willpower: Low.
Concentration: Moderate; Visualize the color and features of the flame (ie. waterproof, touchable, etc.).
Incantation: Erecto (uh-REK-toh)
Wand Movement: A point at the target
Willpower: Low to high; Depends on the size and materials you are trying to erect.
Concentration: Moderate; Visualize the structure completely put together and built.
Incantation: Perultus (pear-ULL-toos)
Wand Movement: A clockwise circle with the wand pointing at the belly of the target.
Willpower: Low; Must overcome the body’s natural inclination to hiccup.
Concentration: Low; Focus on the feeling of not hiccuping.
Incantation: Consilio (cone-SIL-ee-oh)
Wand Movement: A point at the target.
Willpower: Low; Must will the needles to pick themselves up and do the knitting.
Concentration: Moderate; Visualize the target end product.