Zombie Appocolipes
By ReRe
Death, love, sad, and anything else you can think of this book was inspired by my bestfriend elizibeth malfoy
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 1
It is 2024 I am 16 and my best friend, Lily is 17. There are four of us, me, Daniel- we call him dan for short-, Noah, and Lily. We are all hiding from the zombies trying to survive and we have survived since it started in 2023. We haven't see any other people since the middle of 2023. Lily and Dan have been dating and going on food runs together. That leaves Noah and I alone together to keep fort safe. I had lost my boyfriend a year ago when his family ran to Texas. I stayed to help Lily and we had picked up Dan and Noah along the way. We are pretty hidden where we are in the middle of nowhere. Food is scares around here though. Dan and Lily just went out on a food run and Noah was sleeping, it had been a rough couple of days. I was outside putting up the barbed wire fence to protect us even more, I was almost finished. I had just finished the fence when Lily and Dan came back with food for a month, but they weren't alone. In the back of the truck there were two people tied up. Lily jumped out, " you'll never guess, we found Axel-my ex- and his pregnant wife," " No way I'd like to meet her." Lily drug them out of the truck and tied them up. " What should we do with them," she asked, " well lets kill him and I don't know what to do with her." " Please you can do whatever you want with me, but don't hurt her," Axel pleaded. I looked at Lily and she said, " Dan, Noah take him out a mile and tie him up feed the walkers," " lets make that 4 miles babe, we will be back in an hour," Dan said as he drug Axel to the truck. " What should we do with her," I asked, " well we could keep her alive till she gives birth then kill her and keep her kid," " ok we'll do that then, comon lets get her in the house." When Dan and Noah got back they asked what we were going to do with Axel's girl, " Well we want to kill her after she haves her kid and keep her kid," " ok that works," Dan said. " Well lets get some food going," said Noah as he walked to the kitchen, I followed. Noah and I were cooking and laughing at each others jokes when he asked me a question, he said, " I know you just saw your ex today and it was probable pretty hard, but I have to ask would you be my girlfriend," " o-o-oh umm yes, yes that would be nice," just as I said that Lily and Dan came barging in congratulating us, " you were listening to our conversation," we both said in unisine. When we ate Lily was making fun of us. Then we heard the fence shake outside, it was dark the walkers were out. " get the guns Lily, boys get whatever you used last time, I don't know," Lily and I went outside in the dark just listening and feeling for something, anything. Then our eyes adjusted, we saw so many walkers, they had found our location there were more then there ever have been, we just looked at each other, " fire way," we said. They eventually ran off after 30 mins of gun fire. Back inside the boys were just sitting there, "DAMN" they said, " you can shoot like its nothing," said Noah to me and he made me blush a little. We couldn't be happy yet though tomorrow we have to go check on Axel see if he is dead yet and I definitely didn't want to see him. Morning light hit the horizon which meant it was time to go see you know who. When we got there he ask what we were going to do with his wife, Lily and I just looked at eachother, " We will kill her once she gives birth," I said with a hint of guilt. " Please no let her live she didn't do anything wrong," he pleaded " we will think about it," Lily said with guilt also.