I thought I would also add in my mother when she went to school. Both she and my uncle showed their mother but hid it from their father because he was very angry at having magical children.
Her name-sake however Miss Severina Weasley received her letter a few weeks ago and we have already bought her books, wand, pet etc… Obviously she did not get to have a conversation with Professor Dumbledore, him having been dead many years, however she is very excited to join her cousins at Hogwarts.
If you want to make a bet on what house she will be in, I believe Mr George Weasley is currently in charge of that one.
My name is Severina Weasley. I am 11 years old and I am going to Hogwarts on the 1st of September 2020.
I like to ride on my auntie’s broom and play Quidditch. My Aunty used to play for the Holyhead Harpies. I have lots of family but I don’t see them much. I like being with my Grandma and Grandad at the Burrow because there are lots of people. I look like my mum sometimes but she always changes. So that is very hard.
Owl me to place any bets you want.
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