You're a Wizard

By Louisa S R W

The biggest discovery of your life

Last Updated

May 31, 2021






Chapter 3
When Professor Dumbledore approached me at the same age, I knew exactly who he was. It’s as though My father and I could not have spent our childhoods in more different worlds. I knew exactly who I was I knew I was special, and I knew I had to keep it a secret. What troubled me more was other people knowing about me. I knew and was learning from Tonks about being a metamorphmagus. I had friends, which my father never had, and unfortunately this impacted his life. At this age I think I was quite independent I had lived in the Forbidden Forest on my own and within the Castle but I had always had an element of protection by having my uncle or house-elf with me at all times. The conversation I had with Professor Dumbledore went a little differently to that of my father. PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE: Good Morning, Louisa. LOUISA SNAPE-RIDDLE: Good Morning Professor. PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE: I’ve come to deliver a very special letter to you. LOUISA SNAPE-RIDDLE: My Hogwarts letter? PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE: Yes, that’s the one. I believe your house is protected. LOUISA SNAPE-RIDDLE: That’s right. PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE: So, this is your letter. In it you will find your ticket and list of supplies. LOUISA SNAPE-RIDDLE: Ok. (looks at the list) well I don’t have to go far for this. PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE: No, you don’t. LOUISA SNAPE-RIDDLE: A Pet? Is that obligatory? PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE: Would you like one? LOUISA SNAPE-RIDDLE: Not really. I transfigure into too many creatures as it is. Uncle said I won’t be travelling on the train though. PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE: Did he? LOUISA SNAPE-RIDDLE: It’s ok I’ll stand with Hagrid when he calls everyone over, or maybe with Professor McGonagall when she walks everyone into the Great Hall. PROFESSOR DUMBLEDORE: It seems you have it all planned. LOUISA SNAPE-RIDDLE: I talked it through with Charlie, Tonks, Fred and George before the holidays. This is what I was like perhaps a little precocious but intelligent and friendly none the less.
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