You may ask how it is that I found out quite as much as I did about my father and his past. The answer is plain and simple. I was shown a memory. Albus Dumbledore’s memory to be precise. I know that memories can be altered and changed so I am not sure how much of what I saw was the original. I would like to offer I comparison to my upbringing and life at that stage and share that with you. I think it is interesting and possibly gives many of you that are asking why the daughter of Voldemort is not a Slytherin.
Check with the picture you have:
Top left: My Father aged 11 (Tom Marvolo Riddle)
Top right: My Mother aged 13? (Severina Snape)
Bottom left: Me aged 11 (Louisa Snape-Riddle)
Bottom right: My Daughter aged 11 (Severina Weasley) was made for fans, by fans, and is not endorsed or supported directly or indirectly with Warner Bros. Entertainment, JK Rowling, Wizarding World Digital, or any of the official Harry Potter trademark/right holders.