Year-one History Of Magic Notes

By Katie Thomas

This is just a book of my notes from my history of magic year-one course.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Lesson #2

Chapter 2
The Clovis (or Kaia-Vaha)- *1933 - archaeologists named the people who first came to America the "Clovis." * believed that the Clovis, brought phoenixes birds with them for their healing powers and their ability to function as winged beasts of burden. * At this time in history, Muggles and magical kind lived side by side. * wizards and witches would hunt megafauna, large animals such as woolly mammoths, a feat which was more difficult for Muggles since they had no magic to hunt these beasts. * Not only did they share their game with Muggles, but they also taught them how to use every part of an animal, such as taking the tusks from a woolly mammoth and creating weapons from them. * Clovis were present all throughout the Americas, but died out during what was known as The Mass Cooling. * While witches and wizards could use Warming Charms, many Muggles died of hypothermia. The Olmec- * In the Olmec culture, we will see the first use of hierarchy * In the Olmec civilization, witches and wizards made up the first two "classes" of society: the rulers and the shamans. * When a young wizard showed their power, it seemed natural that they would be one of the next rulers. * The Olmec were also the creators of The Great Pyramid * The other well known artifacts of the Olmec people are their giant heads, which also still stand today. The Maya - * second group of Mesoamerican peoples who lived roughly around the same time as the Olmec did, though they lasted longer * The Maya lived in Central America and southern regions of modern day Mexico. * The "early" block and the "middle" block of Maya history are both considered pre-classical, which spans a period from 2,000 BCE to 300 BCE. * The Maya were some of the first people to form village-oriented lifestyles as opposed to nomadic tribes. * The Maya used jade -- much like another culture we will study -- and most notably obsidian for a task that was considered by many to be the first form of divination * Many magical historians like Professor Anne Barkum believe such things, and think that the Maya were the first diviners. Original lesson written by Professor Jæcob Balog
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