Year 1 Notes
By [No Name]
My Year 1 Notes for both assignments and myself!
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Herb 101 Week 7
Chapter 7
Lily Plants
Recognized for their flowers, which consist of three petals surrounded by three sepals (the part of the flower which encloses the petals). Lilies may come in several colors, from blue, orange, pink, purple, and white, to yellow. It is also important to note that lilies come in a variety of shapes in regards to their flowers. Some common flower shapes for lilies include bowl, funnel, recurved (Turk's cap), star, and trumpet. The flower itself may point upwards, downwards, or also to the side. Remember, not all species of lilies are able to produce flowers. In order to plant a lily you will need a bulb. The bulb should be planted 1/4 inch into the ground in nutrient rich soil, and have partial to full access to sun (5-6 hours of full sunlight is optimal).
Its stem, usually a shade of green (though the stem can be red or purple) lily stems grow from a foot to ten feet tall. Lily stems tend to be thick and sturdy, though the size and weight of lily flowers often cause the stem to bend over. The leaves of lily plants are vital to the production of lily flowers. This is due to a process where the leaves catch rays of light (from the sun) and turn the light energy into carbohydrates.
They attract birds. High source of fiber. The flower helps regulate the heart. Useful for burns and preventing scar tissue. Spider bites may be treated with remedies including the lily flower and/or roots. Herbal remedies can be made with the lily flower to support people who have had a stroke. In the form of tea, lily plants are used in the treatment of the following conditions and symptoms: coughs and fevers, stomach disorders, wounds, sores, and for washing swollen bruised areas. The scent of lilies are used by muggles in what they call aromatherapy (the use of oils for healing). Lily flower essential oils are used for depressed individuals, as the scent is meant to induce feelings of happiness and security. Wizards use the scent of lilies in ways related to muggle uses in the realm of potions. (The flower of a lily plant is often an ingredient in anti-depressant potions).
English Rose
grows in partial to full sunlight. It is classified as a shrub, and grows from one to twenty feet. As a shrub, width is also an important factor to consider when planting. It may grow from two to four feet wide, which depends on the variety that you obtain. The rose flower may be blue, green, orange, pink, red, or white. Make sure to plant your rose shrub in soul with a pH range of 5.5–7.0. Most home gardens tend to have a pH of 6.5, however there is a spell you can do to test the soil. "Acidious revealious" (ah-sid-EE-us rev-EE-lee-us) will reveal to you, in the form of white mist, the number of the pH level your soil is.
In the first century anno Domini, 32 medicinal uses were recorded by a muggle called Pliny the Elder. A Herbologist from the same time named Ponticus listed 36 uses, although four more uses have been discovered since then. First of all, it is important to note that rose oil is distilled from the petals. This oil is used in the aforementioned process of aromatherapy. Also, roses have been used to add flavour to other medicines. The medicinal uses follow.
1. Eye diseases/ (as a tea) and to treat cataracts (from skin of the roots)
2. Burns
3. influenza
4. Stomach problems / as a digestive stimulant
5. Diarrhea
6. Chronic finger sores
7. Snow blindness (with an eyewash using petals, stem bark, and skin of the roots)
8. Astringent/ for skin lotions
9. Sore throats
10. Treats rabid dog bites
11. To stop nosebleeds
12. To ease muscular pain/ antispasmodic
13. Antidepressant /ease depression and anxiety
14. Used in love potions
15. Can decrease kidney stones
16. Menstrual regulator (may be mixed with motherwort for cases of heavy flow too)
17. Helps with kidneys
18. Cleansing properties
19. Anti-inflammatory
20. Source of vitamin C
21. Seeds are diuretic
22. Seeds are a laxative
23. Potions with dried petals treat headaches
24. Soaking a cloth in cool rose water may be applied to the forehead to help treat headaches
25. Scent in potions may relieve colic (muggles may use Rosehip tincture)
26. Eases a cough
27. May be used to treat dry skin
28. May be used in a potion to relieve itching for women
29. Combining Rose water with witch hazel makes a potion to help clear up skin with pimples/acne
30. Adding rose oil to bath water helps ease grief, and sometimes insomnia as well
31. Rose tea helps relieve stress
32. Has been used to prevent scurvy by consumption
33. Eases colds
34. Eases fevers
35. Decreases swelling of puffy skin by compressing with rose water
36. Scent in some potions may induce sleep
37. Can help regulate blood thickness
38. Rose oil is known to be antiviral
39. Rose oil is known to be antibacterial
40. Rose oil and rose water are known to be Antiseptic
Other major non-magical plants used commonly by Herbologists, healers, and potioneers include vanilla, coco, orchids, salvia, akabia and shilajit