Year 1 Notes
By [No Name]
My Year 1 Notes for both assignments and myself!
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Herb 101 Week 6
Chapter 6
Bouncing Bulb
Also called Resilio bulbus, this magical plant is able to jump around, when not restrained. Purple in nature, Bouncing Bulbs consist of a bulb shaped plant, with several green leaves sprouting from its top. To care for this plant, it is best to have a bathtub's worth of dirt (neutral PH level), in a relatively bright area. Centaur tears are best when watering. Young Bouncing Bulbs are easy enough to handle, though if they wiggle free they often try to hit you in the face. Bouncing Bulbs have the ability to grow to the size of doorways; therefore, it is important to recognize signs of aggression from a Bouncing Bulb, as well as how to subdue them.
Smaller Bulbs may be subdued with a knockback jinx Flipendo (fli-PEN-doh). The wand movement is a check-mark, hill, and then valley. a larger Bouncing Bulb requires fire, to which I recommend the spell incendio (in-SEN-dee-o). This spell's wand movement is quite literally the shape of a flame.
Gurdyroots resemble green onions in appearance, their foul scent makes them easily distinguishable. What is lacking in their scent is not made up for by their taste. Gurdyroot Infusion, a drink made with this plant, is of a red-purple colour, and a 'bogey-like' taste.Gurdyroots are able to grow in a diverse range of environments, provided the soil has enough nutrients. Sunlight and water in adequate amounts will keep the Gurdyroot alive for several months, as long as the soil is nutritious. If there is a lot of sunlight, Gurdyroots can grow to be up to fifteen centimetres in diameter. In order to take care of a Gurdyroot, it is necessary to have the plant in a pot seven and a half times the size of the bulb (or have the same ratio of space for the Gurdyroot if planted outdoors). What makes the Gurdyroot difficult to grow is many bugs like to 'attack' this plant, as the smell is offensive to them. While many mundane critters are kept at bay by the odour, bugs which have magic are inclined to attempt to break through the stem of the plant. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you place a protective spell around your plant. Nonperiurabis should do the trick.
Otherwise known as Monkshood or Wolfsbane, (in muggle society "the queen of poisons", leopard's bane, women's bane, blue rocket, and devil's helmet are other names which refer to Aconite) Aconitum comes from the Greek word ἀκόνιτον or akonitos, meaning 'without dust' or 'without struggle'. Without struggle would be the more appropriate reference, and refers to the toxicity of aconite leaves, which were often used to kill wild animals during the middle ages. The poison was also applied to the tips of arrows when muggles fought each other in battle. Aconite is a poisonous sedative, powerful in small doses, and can be used to slow heart rate. It is also known to treat prickly pain in the skin.Aconite can be found in the wild, in forests and mountain ranges of moderate temperatures. To care for Aconite, always wear your dragon-hide gloves. If you are harvesting the plant outdoors, be careful not to leave parts of the root exposed, as it can harm the wildlife nearby. (Remember, Aconite is highly poisonous). When growing Aconite, one had best use nutritious soil, the darker and fluffier the better. Aconite thrives in shady areas, so if you are planting outside it is best to plant Aconite close to trees. Do not attend to your Aconite while you have open wounds on your hand, as it takes great caution to ensure correct dosages of Aconite are used at the best of times. If your wound becomes infected by Aconite's poison, apply the antidote (a fully plant based potion: antropine) immediately, and head to St Mungo's, as only certified Healers will be able to fully handle your care. The importance of seeking treatment cannot be stressed enough. Death occurs almost instantaneously with large doses, although usually within two and six hours of exposure. Symptoms (which are evident within the first hour) include diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting first, and then sensations of burning in the abdomen, mouth, and face, as well as tingling and numbness in the mouth and face. As death nears, numbness spreads throughout the body. Sweating, dizziness, headaches, confusion, and troubles with breathing may also occur.
Wormwood (Absinthe)
Wormwood is a plant which is commonly associated with sorrow and bitterness, and has been used in potion making since as long as potioneers have recorded knowledge of. Wormwood grows to a height between one and two metres, usually closer to two. Common throughout Europe, Wormwood has wood-like roots, and leaves which are between two and eight inches. Wormwood prefers salty water, which many Herbologists speculate to be related to the bitterness in taste and bitterness in nature of the plant.
Wormwood is an ingredient in the Draught of Living Death. Healers will often use Wormwood in potions to help with digestive disorders. Properties of Wormwood include the ability to induce sweating, stimulate the imagination, increase hunger, settle stomach, and is a counter-irritant (reduces pain). Wormwood leaves and flowers may be placed on the skin for dulling the pain of wounds such as insect bites. In potions, wormwood is also used by Healers to treat fevers, gall bladder, and lover disease.