Wingardium Leviosa: A Twisted Tale

By Miles Goldstein

What if Ron dared Harry to flirt with Luna when he and Ginny were a thing? Read this twisted fanfic and follow me if you like it.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter One: Ginny

Chapter 1
You could say I'm in a hurry. I'm rushing downstairs, receiving weird looks from my brother Ron. Harry, harry, harry....My mind is in a loop. I run to the Gryffindor common room. "Harry?"I ask. He's not hiding. Weird. I run to Hermione. I realize that I'm sweating. "Hermione," I ask, my voice hoarse from running, "Do you know where Harry is?" She laughs. "You were running to find Harry?" I roll my eyes. "Well, he's my boyfriend. What do you expect?" Hermione raises an eyebrow. "You NOT running all this time for Harry?" I shoot her a dirty look. She breaks. "Fine, fine, he's in the Great Hall!" I sprint off, ready to meet Harry and chat. I throw open the Great Hall doors. Harry and Ron are talking. Harry looks shocked. "Ron, i--I couldn't do that!" Ron grins. Harry gives in. "Fine." He stomps up to the House Elves, grabs a chocolate without saying "Please" and stomps off. Gee, Harry cares about his manners. Ron must of dared him to do that to the House Elves! Oh, Harry. So polite. But little did I know that something beyond my wildest dreams was about to happen.
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