The Noble Houses Of Hogwarts: Common Misconceptions Of The Misunderstood Houses

By Florence Pennilow

Witches and wizards from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry carry their houses' names throughout their entire lives, endeavouring to uphold its reputation long after they graduate. Yet more than a thousand years of assumptions and misunderstandings have accumulated on the subject of the noble houses of the world famous school. This book aims to look at some of the stereotypes and limitations of the house mentalities, debunking some myths and misconceptions, and exploring what it truly means to belong to the misunderstood houses of Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Epilogue: Slytherpuff Friendship and Duality

Chapter 4

Our houses have a lot more in common than it would first appear - the two most misunderstood houses of Hogwarts - and compliment each other in beautiful ways. Slytherins, as we all know, are famed for being cunning, loyal, and ambitious. Cunning speaks of a raw intelligence possessed typically by Ravenclaw, but one that's heaped with self preservation or an intense focus on a goal, contrasted with Ravenclaws curiosity for its own sake. When the drive for self preservation or another goal conflicts with a Slytherin's loyalty, there's obviously a great potential for internal conflict! But this is their strength: Slytherin is at its best backed into a corner with only quick wit to keep help them walk the delicate balance between all of their priorities - for example, being caught between their Hufflepuff friendships and their pureblood families' beliefs. In my experience, Slytherins seem full of contradictions and internal conflict, though perhaps that is a product of the age of Slytherin discussed in earlier chapters of this book. If the stereotypes can be overcome, it is natural there would be a deep respect between these two houses. Hard work is a key component of ambition, so these traits would be admired in each other. Hufflepuff and Slytherin are both capable of respecting strength in all its different forms, and would be fiercely protective of their friends' strengths. One can see a fierce protectiveness towards any Hufflepuff who has earned a Slytherin's love. But Hufflepuff, loyal, hardworking, and just, is equally capable of such protectiveness. Young first year Slytherin's who might be upset at the legacy of their house would find understanding, support, and a lack of judgement in Hufflepuffs while they come to terms with their identity and redefine it for themselves. A typical Slytherin might make the life of anyone who messed with their Hufflepuff friends miserable, but Hufflepuffs wouldn't stand to let any other house badmouth their treasured Slytherins either, even if a Slytherin was content to hold their head high and ignore it. Slytherin's hidden self esteem issues would find comfort in Hufflepuff's love, and Hufflepuff would certainly not be allowed to talk badly of themselves in the Slytherin's presence. Hufflepuff would endear themselves to their Slytherin with their endless support of their goals, but what's often overlooked is Slytherin supporting their Hufflepuff's goals as well. Friendship goes both ways, and who would root for their friends successes and ambitions more than Slytherin? A Slytherpuff would then feature these shared traits strongly, but being a combination of houses allows for a demonstration of traits of both. Cunning and fair, ambitious and hardworking, loyal to a fault. Slytherpuffs make for strong wizards and witches, and stronger friendships.


Do you agree with the views presented here about Hufflepuff and Slytherin? Do you have any real life stories of Slytherpuff friendships? I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments!

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