To be a Gryffindor
Chapter 3
"Bravery, daring, chivalrous, courageous, adventurous, and usually loyalty, are all the character traits of being a Gryffindor. Now, to be a Gryffindor, you must follow ALL of those traits. You all got sorted into Gryffindor for a reason, right? So, why not make the best of it? We are going to sneak into Honeydukes, and save Molly! Alright? It should be easy anyway.", I said, tying a rope to my waste and giving the other end to Vivian. "Um, hello? We don't even have a plan! How do we know if that trapdoor is guarded by criminals? We have to make up a plan!", Vivian said. I could tell that Emily and Angela agreed. "Oh, about that. Um, heh heh, how 'bout you guys make the plan? Yeah? Ok, perfect! Now, you three hold on tight, ok?", I said, not even waiting for their opinion on all those questions.
I started going down. "Yay! Yay! I"M DOIN' IT! YAY- AHHHHHHH!, " I yelled, my friends had just let go of the rope! I looked up, their hands were crossed, smirks across their faces. I frowned. What's wrong with them?
"GET ME UP! I'M GOING TO DIE!", I shrieked, not aware that everybody could hear me. "Fine. Wingardium Leviosa!", the three said, I started coming up.
I got up, but wish I was still down. McGonagall was in the middle of the room. I gulped. I had forgotten to meet her after the feast, and had went straight to the mission of saving Molly.
"I think you see why I don't want you to go sneaking around. You haven't even gotten to Honeydukes, and you're already into dangerous things. And you other three,",McGonagall said, turning to the others. "If you knew your friend was going against the rules, you should have told her.", McGongall said. "Professor, it really wasn't their fault. I -", the Professor turned her head impatiently towards me."Oh-kay", I said. "All of you are in detention for a month. And you,", McGonagall said, squinting at me."Come to my office. Now", she ordered. I did as I was told.