The next day after my incounter with the girl and her fish, it was time to go to Hogsmeade. But, I was looking for some adventure, so while everyone else was having fun getting candy and butterbeer, I was on the beach.
I walked slowly into the water in my new white bathing suit. I was about knee deep in the water before my legs felt kinda funny. I fell into the water with a splash. I looked down at my legs. But, instead of legs, I had a tail! I had turned into a Puella Aquam just like the girl!
But now, after imbracing my powers, I am happy. Whenever I go knee deep or higher into the water, I turn into a Puella Aquam, and I will never forget the time I helped the girl and her fish. was made for fans, by fans, and is not endorsed or supported directly or indirectly with Warner Bros. Entertainment, JK Rowling, Wizarding World Digital, or any of the official Harry Potter trademark/right holders.