Chapter 4
"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" The girl exclaimed. I was shocked as before she did not have teeth or a tongue. But now, she had a bunch of pearly whites, and a tongue! I stepped back in astonishment.
"Oh please! Don't be scared!" She yelled. I stepped forwards towards the lake. She smiled.
"But you, you.. you were just..." I stuttered. She smiled lightly.
"I'm a Puella Aquam. When out of water, I have legs, but no tongue or teeth. I have trouble walking and land and am confused by many land people's costums. But, in water, I get my tail, and my tongue and teeth back. This is my true form," the girl said happily, swishing her tail in the water. The fish swam happily around her.
"But um, if you are a Puella Aquam, then why didn't you save your fish? What happened to your fish anyways?..." I asked softly, trying to soak everything in.
"I am the youngest princess of all the Puella Aquam. Each member of the royal family is giraffes with something at birth. My gift was this fish, his name is Piscosos! Him and I are connected. Whenever one feels something, the other feels it. For example, if I stubbed my toe, then he would feel the pain too. If he were to be captured, I would feel his emotions and every feeling he feels. But, sadly, it is a curse and a gift, as we can not touch each other. If we touch each other, then we both experience excruciating pain. When that man tried to kill Piscosos, he captured him in a net and speared him. I tried to fend off the man best I could, but it was too late, Piscosos was dying. I felt his pain when he was dying and that was when you found us. I had just fought off the man and we were both dying. Thankfully, you came just in time, and saved us both," she said softly. Her fish swam around her, carful not to touch her. I smiled lightly.