The Ghosts Within

By ⚡Olivia Macdonald⚡

Forever is a long time. Forever is eternity. Forever is how long I will be stuck on this earth. Forever, I am a ghost. I can't undo what's been done. I can't change the future. But I can change myself. 27 years. That's how old I was. By the way, I'd keep reading if I were you.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





1. The Event

Chapter 2
It happened in the blink of an eye. It was the most normal day you could imagine. A typical fall day. Sun shining in my eyes, wind blowing through my hair, leaves falling every which way. Unfortunately however, it was the day that I decided to be risky. 'I don't need a helmet' I thought to myself. 'Just me, my leather, and the fresh smell of the road.' By the way, never ride without a helmet kids. Now I'm not the brightest of the bunch, but I promise you. I almost always ride, well rode, with a helmet. That was the day I just wasn't thinking. I was only going to the grocery store a mile away, so I figured I wouldn't need it. Boy was I wrong. I was driving down the highway about to cross the intersection when a car zipped out of nowhere. I was not in the fault here though. The car ran a red light and simply crashed right into me. The engine exploded and I went flying. I basically became a burnt pancake. It was truly unfortunate, but I couldn't do too much to avoid it. But anyways not gonna get too graphic. You get the idea. I'm dead. Too bad though. I feel like I had a lot more life left in me. I mean, I had just finished college, I was single, and I just got started on my artistic career. I mean, can you BELIEVE my luck? Oh well. Doesn't so any good to dwell on the past. Well I should probably tel you what I do now. I sit on the corner of the side-street by my old farmhouse and him to my favorite song. Flares by The Script. By the way if you've never heard it, you should check it out. No one ever visits me. I mean it's an old farmhouse who would? But occasionally crazy old Mr. Jones from down the street will stop by and say hello. He's crazy for a reason. He can see and talk to me. But the life of a ghost is quiet. Not too bad. Just rather lonely. But that's okay since I'm an introvert. Eh enough about my daily routine. It's time for me to SHOW you the real action.
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