The Four Houses

By Adeline Black

A little history about the four houses. If you don't know what house to join, this book should help! I try not to be biased, but I apologize in advance.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021






Chapter 3
Basic: Ravenclaw values wit, learning and wisdom. Famous witches and wizards are Cho Chang, Gilderoy Lockhart, and Luna Lovegood. The ghost is the Grey Lady. Colors: Blue and Bronze Animal: Eagle. Can someone explain this to me? Why is RAVENclaw's animal an eagle? Myths: Ravenclaws are smart or get good grades. This is in my opinion the biggest misconception about a house. Ravenclaw is for anyone who likes to learn, likes school, or yes, is smart. Common room: In a tower. Answer a riddle to get in, or wait for someone who knows the answer! Reasons to join: Ravenclaws are outspoken and think outside the box Reasons not to join: They can seem elitest or stuck-up. Not to be rude!
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