The Four Houses

By Adeline Black

A little history about the four houses. If you don't know what house to join, this book should help! I try not to be biased, but I apologize in advance.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021






Chapter 1
Basic Facts: Hufflepuffs value friendship, hard work, and loyalty. Some of the most famous wizards that have come out of Hufflepuff are Newt Scamander, Cedric Diggory, and Nyphadora Tonks. The house ghost is the Fat Friar, or it was when Harry Potter was at school. Colors: Black and Yellow Animal: Badger Common room: On the main floor, behind barrels of butterbeer. Myths: Hufflepuff has a reputation for being stupid or the worst house. This is not true! Many people think that they have no traits, because in the Sorting Hat's song, it said that Helga Hufflepuff would take anyone that the other houses wouldn't take. This just means that they are open to all kinds of people. Reasons to join: They are accepting of everyone. Reasons not to join: Some people want a house with more outstanding charistaristics
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