By Jess Granger


Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter 3

Chapter 4
(A/N Sorry for not writing for a long time. I just felt unmotivated!) THE BURROW When they got home, George was sitting on the couch waiting. "How was your trip?" he asked. Ron rolled his eyes dramatically, "When did you start caring?" George replied that he didn't and stormed off. Hermione looked at Ron with a disapproving look. "What?" asked Ron looking at Hermione. "You need to be nicer to him. He's going through a hard time. How would you feel losing half of yourself?" Hermione practically yelled. "Probably half dead," replied Ron sarcastically. Hermione yelled at Ron before storming off. "Real smooth man," said Neville with a smirk. Ron chased after Hermione. Ginny and Luna looked at each other. "Boys," they said in unison. The two witches walked up to Ginny's room chatting. Neville and Harry looked at each other. They stood there uncomfortably for a few moments before they followed the girls up. Neville and Harry could hear two sets of low voices talking. One set was Hermione and Ron the other Ginny and Luna. Neville knocked on the door of Ginny's room before asking if he could come in. The girls let him in and he gestured for Harry to follow. Harry shook his head and pointed at the room his best friends were in. Neville nodded. Harry looked through the crack in the door. He saw Ron and Hermione talking softly. "I'm sorry Mione. It's just that I forget sometimes. Fred and George were like one person. I forget that the other isn't hiding waiting to prank me," Ron said sadly. Hermione hugged him, "I know baby. I know." Hermione hugged Ron before placing a kiss on his lips. Ron grabbed Hermione and pulled her in for a more passionate kiss. Harry looked away. He did not like watching his friends kiss. Ron and Hermione pulled apart. "Let's go find everyone," said Hermione. Ron nodded and they approached the door. Harry quickly ran into Ginny's room and sat down. "What happened in there?" asked Ginny. Harry shook his head and put a finger to his lips. Ginny's brows furrowed. The door opened not long after. Ginny had a look of understanding. There was some uncomfortable silence as Ron and Hermione walked in. "What did we miss?" asked Ron. "Nothing," Ginny and Harry said quickly. Hermione looked skeptical. Luna looked up at the two who just entered. "What did we miss?" she asked. Hermione went red and Ron looked away. "Nothing," Ron mumbled. Luna nodded, "Thought so." There was some uncomfortable silence before Ron said he was going to apologise to George. Ginny moved over and Hermione sat down next to her. "So what's up?" asked Hermione. Harry was tempted to say the sky but stopped himself. "Nothing much," said Ginny. "Just excited to go back Hogwarts." Hermione smiled and agreed. "I can't wait for the new year! We get to see everyone again after we missed so much school last year!" she said. Everyone turned and stared. "Sorry that you missed school but I think we were a bit busy saving the whole Wizarding World from Lord freaking Voldemort! Or was that someone else?" said Harry angrily. "I-I-I," stuttered Hermione. "Don't even talk to me," said Harry storming out. He bumped into Ron into the way out. "What's his problem?" said Ron as he sat down. Everyone explained the story. Ron frowned, "Hermione, you know Harry is touchy about that stuff. I mean it kinda was a big deal." Hermione nodded, "I didn't mean it that way." Everyone murmured "We know." Ginny stood up. "I should probably go and find Harry before he does something stupid."
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