The Essential Guide to Hogwarts Portraiture, Ed. II

By Professor Rosenquist

The second edition of The Essential Guide to Hogwarts Portraiture includes updated versions of the entries in the first edition, along with additional portraits that were not included in the original. This textbook is to be used in conjunction with Magical Art 601.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Timothy the Timid

Chapter 55

Image credit: here

Timothy the Timid definitely lived up to his name. He was extremely shy and was especially not fond of being near others whether they were people or portraits. Timothy had many fears but would always get especially paranoid when people stared at him. His fears stemmed from childhood trauma of being kidnapped by Dark wizards as his parents were high-ranking Ministry officials. What exactly happened and why is still yet not known as Timothy refuses to talk about it, even with those who he has grown comfortable around. His years after the incident as a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were the hardest because he was forced to be around crowds. The trauma was so severe that Timothy even hid from his closest friends. In 1995, two of his portraits were hung in the castle hiding various shortcuts, one hid a secret passage between the fifth floor and the Herbology corridor. Another painting hid the passage between the fifth floor and the Transfiguration Courtyard. Due to his shy nature, whenever anyone starts paying attention to him, Timothy panics and hides out of his frame so that he won’t have to interact with anyone. There is a way to gain his trust or coax him enough so that he does stay, however, he still keeps his conversations minimal. Much to Timothy’s irritation, beside both of his portraits are the Those Who Watch painting that contained two eyes capable of speech which constantly stared at him. He is more afraid of being stared at by two eyeball paintings than he is of people so he is always asking students to cover the other portraits up because the eyes made him uncomfortable.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Albus Dumbledore
Chapter 2
Ambrose Swott
Chapter 3
Anne Boleyn
Chapter 4
Antonia Creaseworthy
Chapter 5
Ariana Dumbledore
Chapter 6
Armando Dippet
Chapter 7
Barnabas the Barmy
Chapter 8
Basil Fronsac
Chapter 9
Bertie Bott
Chapter 10
Bloody Baron
Chapter 11
Brian Gagwilde III
Chapter 12
Brutus Scrimgeour
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Cottismore Croyne
Chapter 16
Damara Dodderidge
Chapter 17
Dexter Fortescue
Chapter 18
Dilys Derwent
Chapter 19
Edessa Skanderberg
Chapter 20
Edward Rabnott
Chapter 21
Elizabeth Burke
Chapter 22
Emeric Switch
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Fat Friar
Chapter 25
Fat Lady
Chapter 26
Fytherley Undercliffe
Chapter 27
George von Rheticus
Chapter 28
Giffard Abbott
Chapter 29
Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter 30
Godric Gryffindor
Chapter 31
Google Flange
Chapter 32
Google Stump
Chapter 33
Günther der Gewalttätige ist der Gewinner
Chapter 34
Helena Ravenclaw
Chapter 35
Helga Hufflepuff
Chapter 36
Heliotrope Wilkins
Chapter 37
Hengist Rawkes
Chapter 38
Iris Pius
Chapter 39
Mordicus Egg
Chapter 40
Newton Scamander
Chapter 41
Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
Chapter 42
Nivalis Swoopstikes
Chapter 43
Percival Pratt
Chapter 44
Phineas Nigellus Black
Chapter 45
Phyllida Spore
Chapter 46
Quentin Trimble
Chapter 47
Rowena Ravenclaw
Chapter 48
Salazar Slytherin
Chapter 49
Selina Sapworthy
Chapter 50
Severus Snape
Chapter 51
Sidley Smirk Platter
Chapter 52
Sir Cadogan
Chapter 53
Temeritus Shanks
Chapter 54
Timothy the Timid
Chapter 55
Tobias Misslethorpe
Chapter 56
Vindictus Viridian
Chapter 57
Violet Tillyman
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Walter Aragon
Chapter 60
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