Sidley Smirk Platter
Chapter 52
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Sir Sidley Smirk Platter, grand sorcerer, was a former Supreme Mugwump of International Confederation of Wizards. Smirk Platter was born in 1503. Not much is known about his early life. Smirk Platter was known to be a social climber in general, however, he also earned important titles such as Grand Sorcerer and Supreme Mugwump in his thirties. He was well respected by the wizarding world. He met with the International Confederation of Wizards often to talk about international issues. No one is exactly sure when or how he died, but he did live a long life.
The portrait is located on the second floor landing of the Grand Staircase. The inscription on the portrait reads "Anno Etatis Suae 39" which is a Latin term for "In the year of his age 39". This means that the portrait was painted in 1542 when Smirk Platter was thirty-nine years old. There are no known portraits of him later in life.