The Education Of Kingsley Shacklebolt
By Timothy Walsh
Two women, one a Muggle Prime Minister (NOT Margaret Thatcher), the other the witch assigned to protect her, inform the Minister for Magic about some recent developments in the Muggle world and persuade him to initiate a change that will have a profound effect on both the magical community and the Muggle community.
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 2: The Consequences
Chapter 2
The meeting was convened and Kingsley proposed his motion. All the delegates agreed that the Statute in its present form was no longer suitable for the world as it had become, but they were divided on whether to update it or abolish it. About 20% of the delegates spoke in favour of Kingsley's motion to abolish the Statute, but the other 80% argued that the Muggles would ask the magical community to use magic to solve all their problems and instead proposed various amendments to bring it up to date. Then Kingsley called upon Hermione to testify. As she did, heads began to nod. After her presentation, the speeches were more or less evenly divided for and against Kingsley's motion. After everyone who wanted to speak had spoken, the vote was taken by secret ballot. Two delegates, one who had spoken in favour of the motion and one who had spoken against it, were chosen to be scrutineers. They passed around a quill, a bottle of ink and a piece of parchment to each of the delegates, and then collected the ballots The tension in the air mounted as they counted the ballots. Finally they announced the result: 55% for, 40% against and 5% abstentions or spoiled ballots.
Carlotta Pinkstone, who was serving time in Azkaban for violating the International Statute of Secrecy, was released and led the campaign to reintegrate the magical and Muggle communities. Quidditch became an extremely popular spectator sport for Muggles, and it inspired them to invent their own version of the game: they carried a broomstick between their legs while running around the pitch. As Hermione had predicted, Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley and Platform nine and three quarters in King's Cross Station became lucrative tourist attractions and provided employment for magical people as tour guides. And Katy Clark campaigned on her role in having initiated these developments and led her party to a crushing victory in the next election.
Integration worked both ways: not only did many Muggles enjoy observing the wizarding world, but many witches and wizards now enjoyed living in the Muggle world without having to hide their magical powers. Some Hogwarts graduates, mainly Ravenclaws but also several from each of the other Houses, enrolled in Muggle universities, and some decided to take up occupations in the Muggle world.
Some of the Gryffindors became pop musicians, while others satisfied their thirst for adventure by becoming soldiers, circus performers, professional athletes, fire fighters or crime fighters. One crime fighter, who, like the Dark Lord and Severus Snape, could fly without a broomstick, dressed up as Superman while on the job. The soldiers joined in the fight against the terrorists, not to kill them but to identify them by using Legilimency and to pacify them by using Memory Charms. Some of these soldiers were killed in the line of duty, but their efforts, combined with those of their Muggle allies, eventually managed to defeat the terrorists.
Most of the Hufflepuffs worked in childhood education – some of the teachers became immensely popular with their pupils by giving them broomstick rides - or in health care, where they were greatly valued as Healers. The Muggles had lost their tolerance for magical potion ingredients because they hadn't been exposed to them for centuries, but the Healers gradually built up their tolerance, and then it became possible to cure them of some of the diseases that Muggle medicine hadn't yet conquered.
The Ravenclaws gravitated towards the sciences, in particular those that had applications to magic, and the arts, in particular classical music. One pianist wowed his audience by playing one part of a piano duet while bewitching the piano to play the other part, and some of the university professors livened up their lectures by demonstrating magic as an application of the sciences they were teaching.
Some of the Slytherins amassed huge fortunes in banking, industry and real estate, while others satisfied their power lust by becoming politicians. One of them captured the American White House on a Tea Party ticket; his policies made it easier for Muggles and wizards alike to make a lot of money and provoked a mass exodus of the newly dispossessed, some into Canada and some into the United Kingdom, attracted by the progressive legislation passed by Prime Minister Clark's administration.
To be sure, a few of the Slytherins turned to the Dark Arts in the hope of becoming a successor to the Dark Lord, but with so many other opportunities, both in the magical and Muggle worlds, to satisfy power lust, and with blood status becoming a non-issue because of ever increasing intermarriage, they weren't able to recruit nearly enough followers to pose a serious threat. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement became increasingly occupied with minor violations of the Muggle Protection Act such as cheating in Muggle sports.
Hermione, who had joined that Department after seeing to the betterment of the condition of House Elves and had risen to become its Head, now decided that her position could be entrusted to someone of lesser intelligence than herself. She enrolled in a Muggle university to study mathematics, specializing in number theory. Some time after she graduated, she was offered the position of Arithmancy Professor at Hogwarts. She accepted it, and she taught her students the mathematics that lies behind Arithmancy. Upon the retirement of the current Headmaster, she became Headmistress of Hogwarts. She created some new courses in the Muggle sciences with applications to magic and invited some of the wizards and witches who had graduated from Muggle universities to teach them. As she had predicted, the more the magical community learned of Muggle science, and safer and more powerful their magic became.
Most of the members of the magical community were pleased with the integration of their community with the Muggle world, but the happiest of all was Kingsley Shacklebolt, for he had become an extremely popular Minister for Magic. And yes, the witch who wrote the seven books that nobody could put down did write a sequel in which she described recent developments and explained how she knew about events she recounted in her books: as a member of the magical community, she had witnessed them. As she wrote in one of her books, all was well.