The Education Of Kingsley Shacklebolt
By Timothy Walsh
Two women, one a Muggle Prime Minister (NOT Margaret Thatcher), the other the witch assigned to protect her, inform the Minister for Magic about some recent developments in the Muggle world and persuade him to initiate a change that will have a profound effect on both the magical community and the Muggle community.
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter 1: The Lesson
Chapter 1
Katy Clark, a left-wing Scottish Labour MP and newly elected leader of the Labour Party, had just led her Party to a narrow victory in the British parliamentary elections, and today was her first day as Prime Minister. As Minister for Magic, it was Kingsley Shacklebolt's duty to visit her to inform her of the existence of the magical world. To avoid alarming her, he changed into Muggle clothes and waited until the portrait that was usually in her office appeared in his office and told him that she had left her office for a few minutes. Then he lit a fire in his fireplace, picked up his jar of Floo Powder for the return trip, tossed a handful of Floo Powder into the fire, tucked in his elbows and stepped into the fire. It filled him with a pleasantly warm tingling sensation. Careful not to inhale any ashes, he spoke as distinctly as he could: "Prime Minister's Office, number ten Downing Street, London." His own office suddenly seemed to shrink away from him. A quick succession of fireplaces rushed by him until he found himself in the fireplace in the Prime Minister's office. He brushed as many of the ashes from his clothes as he could, exited her office and waited outside of her door until she returned.
"Greetings, Mr. Shacklebolt!" said Katy as soon as she saw him. "I've been expecting you. Please come in and sit down."
"How did you know I was coming?" Kingsley asked as he followed Katy into her office.
"Hermione Granger told me you'd come to see me today," she replied.
Kingsley had warned Hermione not to give any unnecessary information to the Prime Ministers she was protecting. He was going to have to speak to her, but first he had to deliver his message to the Prime Minister. He decided to break the news gradually. "I've come here to inform you that some of the people who live among you have a special talent you know nothing about..."
"Magical powers," interrupted Katy.
Kingsley could barely contain his fury. "Did Hermione tell you that too?"
"Oh no, I learned about that on the internet. We Muggles know all about the magical world. Information travels on the internet far too fast for your Memory Charms to stop it."
Kingsley's fury was immediately replaced by fear. Remembering the persecution of magical people that had happened before the International Statute of Secrecy had been implemented, he asked, "Are you afraid of us? Do you persecute those of us you catch and those Mug.. that is, those of your own kind whom you suspect of having magical powers?"
Katy laughed and said, "Persecute you? We've come a long way since we were ignorant enough to do anything of the kind. Of course, you do freak us out when you tamper with the minds of some of us who learn about you. I wish you'd quit doing that! Once you do, only a few religious extremists will continue to fear you. In most of the world they're not influential enough to do you any harm. The parts of countries controlled by ISIS or Al Qaida are exceptions, but you could help us defeat those terrorists..."
"Do you expect us to use our magic to solve all your problems?" interrupted Kingsley angrily.
"Not all of them," answered Katy. "We have the means to solve most of our problems by ourselves. All that's lacking is the political will, although that seems to be changing, judging by the results of our recent elections. Of course, you could give us a hand now and then. Hermione told me that you used to do that in centuries past with no ill effect before our religious leaders turned us against you, and now we have something new to offer you in return."
"Could you give us some examples of what you could do for us?" asked Kingsley.
"I'm not an expert on those matters," answered Katy. "Hermione could give you more information. I'll page her."
A few minutes later, Hermione entered the Prime Minister's office, looking just as glamorous as Kingsley had remembered seeing her. He exchanged greetings with her and then said, "The Prime Minister just told me that the Muggles could help us and that you could give me some details. I'm sceptical, but I'm willing to listen to whatever you have to say."
Hermione took a deep breath and said, "Well, Muggle technology, combined with our magic, could improve life in the magical world as well as the Muggle world. In particular, being able to play music on Muggle instruments would enrich our lives. Also, Muggle science would make our magic more effective and more reliable. Once we can socialize with Muggles without having to disguise ourselves, a lot of us would find it pleasant to study in Muggle universities and learn the various sciences behind the magic we do: the mathematics behind Arithmancy, the physics behind Astronomy, the chemistry behind Potions, the zoology behind Care of Magical Creatures, the botany behind Herbology, the psychology behind the application of magical energy to cast Charms, and all of those sciences behind Transfiguration. We could make money too – by charging Muggles fees to watch our Quidditch matches and take tours of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, Diagonal Alley and platform nine and three quarters in King's Cross Station, not to mention the jobs that would open up to us as tour guides. And the witch who wrote the seven books that nobody could put down will be able to make money by writing a sequel about future developments."
For a long while, Kingsley sat in silence. Finally he said, "Okay, you've convinced me. I'm willing to admit now that the International Statute of Secrecy has become unenforceable, unnecessary and detrimental to relations between us and the Muggles. I'll convene a meeting of the International Confederation of Wizards right away and propose a motion to revoke the International Statute of Secrecy and replace it with a Muggle Protection Act, which will make it illegal to use our magic to harm Muggles except in self defense or to cheat in Muggle competitions. Of course, many of the members will oppose my motion, but I think we can get a majority on our side if you come and testify. Would you like to?"
"I'd be delighted!" said Hermione.