The Dream That Kidnapped me

By Grace Granger

Dreams are nice, arent they?Exept the ones that kidnap young sleepers...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Trying to remember that fateful day

Chapter 1
My name is Cyber. Strange name, but it makes me special. I live upon the clouds. No, I'm not in heaven,that place doesnt exist. I live in the world where dreams are made. I was kidnapped by a dream about whizzing blue and pink lights.... seems strange, that a dream about lights could kidnap an innocent child.You may be wondering HOW the dream kidnapped me,and I dont have the answer. All I know is that only a small few children have the light dream and get kidnapped. So, where I live we create your dreams. You should only have good dreams, but if me and my best friend Serpens decide to cause trouble, then you'll get bad dreams. By this,I mean we tamper with the good dreams, add scary thoughts to them. Serpens was kidnapped on the same day as me. We both landed with a thump on the biggest cloud in Dreamilia, looked at eachother and became best friends. We're the jokers. He is decidedly taller than me,which is annoying, because i was quite tall on earth,I think, and he says he was short. Ceilia and Orion are my parents, I suppose, they took me in on that fateful day. I wonder how my real parents feel,having lost their daughter ten years ago.Ten years ago TODAY, in fact.The same with Serpens parents. I'd quite like to meet my real parents.I'm told their names were Carina and Hayna. Peculiar names, arent they? My real name isn't Cyber, Ceilia said, its really Sayori.I like Cyber more.Serpens's real name is Akio. We both have Japanese names, which is weird, because we're both British. Perhaps Sayori IS a nicer name,I'll start using it sometimes.
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