The Dream Oracle

By [No Name]

A guide to divination through dream interpretation. A transcription of the original text by Inigo Imago.

Last Updated

May 31, 2021






Chapter 1

To the true Seer, the art of dream interpretation is no more mysterious than that of tea-leaf reading or palmistry. It shows the true essence of Seeing, coming, as it does, from one's own Seeing Inner Eye, or in the case of a non-Seer, from one's mere outer eye briefly perusing what can only be truly seen by the Inner Eye so few are blessed with. That being said, while a non-Seer may, with difficulty and much study, learn to interpret dreams, though with less success than a Seer might have, the dreams of a non-Seer will always be clouded by the mundane. Thus their dreams will have less relevance and depth, and be, of course, less clear and Seen, than those of a true Seer.

 A prophetic, or Seeing, dream is found buried deeply within the cloud of the mundane that permeates the consciousness of a non-Seer, while that same Seeing dream, dreamt by a Seer, would be of far more clarity and prophecy. While two compared dreams, of a Seer and a non-Seer, might seem wildly different, they can hold many of the same prophecies, buried, of course, in different quantities and qualities of omens and the mundane. There being so few true Seers remaining, a diviner must learn to make most of their own, hidden, Seeing dreams which are found below the surface of the mundane. 

The non-Seer must study, to a great degree, those signs and omens which can be detected within the mundane, which will reveal the Seeing dream beneath, and the true meanings and prophetic connections of those sings. These signs can take many forms, and interpreting a dream through a single set of signs will only show the briefest of touches on the surface of the Seeing dream [1]. Only by noting and interpreting all possible signs and omens can one truly understand the nature of their Seeing dream, though this will still not compare to the quality of a Seer's dream or their interpretation of it, or even a Seer's interpretation of a non-Seer's Seeing dream, which will include that insight and innate understanding that only a true Seer can possess. Likewise, it is essential to view only what can be viewed, interpret only what can be interpreted, and conclude only what can be concluded, since the very nature of a Seeing dream is complex and expansive. 

Searching through the history of prophecy and Seeing, as well as what knowledge can only be known originally by a true Seer of the highest achievement, one notes a varied and often contradictory mix of methods of interpretation, some omens being true and Seen, while others, merely the work of charlatans whose only wish would be to discredit and corrupt the Sight. Any and all contradictions can be retraced to those charlatans, pretenders, and unlearned non-Seers, or to the complex twisting and turning of fate and time. True Seeing dreams would show all truths of that which they foretell, the true complexity being that which cannot be known, and yet is, through the magical and clairvoyant Seeing dream. One can only touch on the true nature of Seeing dreams before becoming entrenched in and entranced by the beauty and perfection of the Sight and what is has, can, and will See. 

Thus the Seeing dream, connected as it is to the Seer and the Inner Eye, is the the truest of prophetic omens, excepting, of course, the true prophecy uttered in trance by a true Seer who See so far beyond the mundane as to know all, before returning to the simple, single world which cannot compare to the multi-layered endless chasm and sky of future and fate, which all Divination touches and watches [2]. The truest of Seeing dreams, known only by their truth and meaning, are made entirely from the complexity and truth which exists in conjunction to the universe, while those lesser Seeing dreams of a non-Seer can only be described as fragments of this perfection, clouded and divided by the mundane, yet affecting the mundane in such ways as to allow Sight into the hidden truth of the Seeing dream, and which can be used to discern the overwhelming truths, and even come near to hiding what could easily be found in the truest, most prophetic Seeing dream of a true Seer. 

The content of the dream, those clairvoyant images which cover the truth can of course be used to detect the hidden, Seeing dream, but equally important are those realities of the dream and dreamer which are touched and known by the overwhelming knowledge of the Seeing dream, which are used to hide and reveal that truth. No single item or part of a dream can be used to divine the whole, for the whole is just that, the entire hidden, completed whole which affects all aspects and elements of a dream and is likewise detected through them. Thus the study of the Seeing dream is more complex than can ever be known or described, even by the most knowing of Seers, whose Seeing dreams are likewise hidden by their own Sight. 

The true essence of Seeing dreams is that they are, at base, dreams. Thus human phenomena and thought cannot be mistaken for, or interpreted as, a Seeing dream, for it will not contain those elements of Sight and Seeing which are the second essence of Seeing dreams. Even other Divination practices and methods cannot be interpreted in the same manner as a Seeing dream, for they are only indirectly connected to the Sight and the Inner Eye, both of which are held withing the Seer, as are dreams and their underlying Seeing dreams. 

If the Seer has strayed from the path of Seeing, they cannot be refound by the mundane which holds them there, for only prophecy and Sight have the entire connection between trust and mundane, between the endless chasm and sky and the limited, terrestrial world. Thus Seeing dreams from the truest bridge between realities, for they are the most balanced and connected between the dreamer, who, even as a Seer, is a part of the mundane world, and the reality of fate and future which can be detected in the dream, the mixture of mundane and truth known only to the dreamer and understood only through proper dream interpretation. Only the truth of dreams and interpretation can thus extend between these true realities. Thus the study of dream interpretation is essential to the Seer and studier of Divination, naturally having dreams to interpret.

A note from the transcriber:

Like many accounts of dream-interpretation, this book must be read with a critical eye. Many explanation are based on testimony from so-called "Seers," whose information has never been verified. I have included notes and summaries to aid the student where necessary. I hope that this text will be helpful to the student.


[1] The author's account of Seeing dreams is only one of many theories of how dreams can predict the future. The most common explanation is simply that the elements of a dream show the future as one might view an omen in a crystal ball or tea-leaves.

[2] The author's account of an "endless chasm and sky" is highly debated among the Divination community. The majority of opposers agree that Divination is a magical art contained solely in this world. 

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