The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter Seven ~ The Three Teams.
''Okay, just put mine in.'' Rob sat down next to Lily. ''Just in time I think.'' He watched Professor Mcgonagall take a seat with the other professors. ''Have you entered?''
Lily stopped staring at the goblet and blinked. ''Oh - yes I have.'' Rob awaited further conversation but none came, so with a sigh that he hoped Lily heard, he turned to talk to Fred.
As usual, Rob didn't get to speak because at the moment the Headmistress stood up and announced;
''The goblet shall now reveal the six champions of this years Triwizard Tournament.'' She made her way to the goblet.
Albus held out his watch for Lily to see. ''Look, it's in ten seconds. Now five - four - three - two - one!'' He looked up at the goblet. Sparks began to fly from it, and a piece of parchment shot out of it, right into Professor Mcgonagall's hands.
''The first Beabaxton's champion.'' She read, ''Is Marie de beachier!'' The Beabaxtons applauded as a slim, dark girl made her way to the room ajoined to the great hall where champions would wait. There was a brief pause before another piece of paper landed in Mcgonagall's hands. ''The second Beabaxton's champion is is Claudine Dupont.'' A red headed seventeen-year-old girl followed Marie out.
''The first champion for Dumstrang is Piotr Malakov.'' Mcgonagall went on as another piece of parchment flew from the goblet. ''The second champion for Durmstrang is Dominik Volkoff.'' Two bulky, sneering-faced young men crossed the great hall.
Professor Mcgonagall smiled. ''And the first champion for Hogwarts.'' Lily gripped Albus' hand. He looked down at it, but made no attempt to pull away. ''Is Albus Potter!'' The table around them burst into ear-splitting applause Lily pulling her hand away to applaude him and his sister pushing him to walk down the hall. Mcgonagall caught another slip of parchment and his mouth went dry. Who would he be working with?
''And the second champion for Hogwarts is -'' Mcgonagall looked at Albus. ''Lily Archeron!''