The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Six

Chapter 7

Chapter six ~ The Schools Arrive 

''There they are! Look at those horses!'' Rose cried as the enormous Beabaxtons carriage zoomed into view. The crowd of students drew back to avoid being crushed by the enormous carriage that landed with a thud and slowly slowed to a halt. The headmistress walked over to greet Madam Maxine the gigantic woman exiting the carriage, followed by her students. After kissing the headmistress on each cheek, she made her way over to Hagrid and gave him a bear hug before holding her hand up and wriggling her fingers to reveal a large silver ring round one. It was Hagrid's last term also, as in July he was returning with Madame Maxine to France, where they would be married.

Lily Potter giggled at this gesture, as did several other students, but there was little time to before the masts of a ship began to rise above the surface of the Black Lake, slowly revealing a ship.

After Viktor Krumm, the handsome headmaster of the Durmstrang Academy, had greeted Headmistress Mcgongall, the large crowds of students entered the castle and proceeded on to the great hall, Beabaxtons making themselves home on the Griffindoor table this year, Durmstrang heading for Slytherin. 

''Now, as a judge for this tournament, we have Percival Weasley, Head of the Department of International Magical Co-operation.'' Professor Mcgonagall announced, gesturing to Percy Weasley, who was sitting next to Hagrid and not looking very happy about it. ''And also Katherine Bell, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.'' There was a large amount of applause for the grinning dark-haired witch who had previously played on the Griffindoor Quidditch team, Katie looking much happier than Percy, now inspecting his watch. Professor Mcgonagall saw this and continued;

''Professor Silvers and I will now assemble the Goblet of Fire, then the feast will begin.''

Lily turned to Albus. ''How long do we have until they reveal the competitors?'' 

''Well, the goblet stays open for inputs for a day, then tomorrow night they're revealed.'' He glanced up at the two professors, Silvers assembling the goblet and Mcgonagall drawing the age line. ''I'm gonna enter first thing tomorrow. What about you?''

Lily nodded and watched as the goblet began to emit blue-white flames. ''I just hope I am chosen.'' She turned her head to meet eyes with Vladimir Malfoy and he gestured at the goblet. She nodded, and after finding out her answer, he too decided he would enter his name into the Goblet of Fire.

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