The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Five

Chapter 6

Chapter five ~ Vlad

Over time Lily did adapt. She still had an accent, though it was only slight now. She didn't lapse into Sindarin, She learned to act like them. They accepted her, the little group consisting of Albus, Fred, Rob, Rose and ''Lily P''. She could be fun, sometimes not understanding things, she let the boys copy her homework, something Lily P and Rose did not approve of, and she played quidditch, becoming a moderately good chaser on the Griffindoor team. Yet there were some days when she was quiet, lost from the world. She still went out at nights, telling Lily P and Rose that she just came to bed late. Yes, while almost fitting in, she still had her mysterious qualities, and would never talk about herself.

That is, to anyone but Vlad Malfoy.

It was one day in Potions, brewing ''Potum Ignis'', her previous partner being in the sick bay due to an untimely accident in the last lesson, that Vladmir Malfoy became her desk partner. 

Potions was her favourite subject, she found it easy and enjoyable, and often talked to her desk partner during the brewing process. Vlad was similar. So that's how the conversation started - After a slightly painful pause.

''Sorry I haven't really seen you during the past, erm, month, but there's that age-old thing about Griffindoor's and Slytherin's - my friends don't really approve of us associating.'' Vlad finally admitted. Lily looked surprised.

''Forgive me for being blunt, but do you have to do everything your friends say?''

She added Runespoor eggs to her mortar and began to crush them.

Vlad blushed. ''I know, it's just, well, they have very good methods of destroying your social life if you do anything wrong.''

Lily said nothing, simply continued chopping her fire frell, but Vlad could tell what she was thinking.''I know, I should leave their group, but it's great sometimes, fun.''

''Well, you could come with me and my friends.'' She answered.

Vlad looked around the dungeon. ''And who are your friends?''

''Albus and Lily Potter, Rob Aken, Rose and Fred Weasely.'' She glanced at Albus and Rob in front of her, and Fred across the aisle.

''Hmm, I don't think the Potters or they're friends would take kindly with me getting involved.'' He said, casting a spiteful glance towards Albus. ''They've never been very friendly to me.

Lily raised her eyebrows. ''But your father and Harry Potter are friends, why not you and Albus?''

''Well, their Dad wasn't paticularly nice to my father in their school years, and the Potter's took that into account and went for me.'' His face darkened. ''Especially James.''

''James?'' Lily questioned, uninformed of Albus' siblings.

''His older brother.'' Vlad explained, voice taking on a slight sneer at the mention of Albus' elder brother. ''He has another sister as well - an adopted one. She's strange though, and never bothered with me. Maxine Lestrange, or something.''

Lily changed the subject tactfully as she noticed Rob's head rising as he eavesdropped. ''Are you entering the tournament?''

''Well, my Dad wants me to, but I'm not sure.'' Vlad admitted. ''I'm not brilliant in dangerous situations.'' He looked at Lily. ''Are you?''

She nodded. ''I think it would be a good way to spend my last year here.''

Only Vlad new what that comment really meant, and he turned his concentration to his potion once more. ''Her last year in our world.'' He thought. ''If only I could tell her - tell her how hard it will be to say goodbye.''

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