The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Author'S Note

Chapter 37

Author's Note

I'd like to thank anyone who's managed to finish my incredibly l-o-n-g book, and I hope that you didn't find it to dull. I've always love the elves in ''The Lord of the Rings'', and thought it'd be cool to incorporate a crossover with a triwizard tournament, one of my favourite topics in the world Harry Potter. I apologise for the cheesiness involved, but I blame it on the fact I am a teenage girl who hasn't had much experience of  romance except for the cheesy teen movies I watch (though I am most definitely not a fan of ''Twilight'')

I am aware I got some facts wrong, and the one that particularly bugs me is the age and year of Rose and Fred Weasley, so I apologise for that flaw. Also, it may seem complicating when reading this as I have changed Lily's elven name quite frequently, though have now found one which seems right. Yes, just to clarify, Lily's true elven name is ''Lilaeven'' - pronounced ''Li-lay-even''.

So, thank's again for reading, and if you have any other crossover suggestions please owl them to me. Obviously some may not be possible due to whether I/I've watch/watched them or not, but I will have a stab at at least one.

There is a sequel to this book coming soon, evolving around Albus' and Lily's time in Middle Earth when Lily returns, and I am hoping to make a series involving the two travelling dimensions. 

I have also completed a Merlin/Harry Potter crossover; And They Will Rise Again, and am working on a Grimm/Harry Potter crossover; The Hidden Girl.

Yours gratefully,

-Lilia Pendragon




First Published in the Hogwarts Library Spring 2015 by Lilia Le Fay

All content © of Lilia Le Fay




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