The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter 35

Chapter 34 ~ Returning

''NO!'' There was another flash, this time caused as a figure of great speed leapt in front of Albus to receive the two death curses in the chest.

''Lily!'' Albus jumped forward, but not to catch a dying elf but to almost crash into an alive one. Lily was still standing, bow loaded and arrow aimed at the two dumb-struck Dumstrangs.

''Lily - wha - what-'' 

Albus walked round to face her. Her face was full of fury, flickering with anger as she tightened her grip on the weapon in her hand. ''Lily - why aren't you - dead?''

She turned her head towards him, bow still in place. ''In my true form, I am immune to your magic.'' She told him. ''But humans are not immune to mine.'' She fired the arrow hitting the ground between the Durmstrangs. They smirked, almost laughing, but they were halted in their actions. Ropes burst from the place where the arrow had struck and began to coil themselves around the two boys. Twenty seconds later, each one was out cold and encased in a shell of rope, restraining them if they gained conciousness once more. 

Albus stared at them before enveloping Lily in a tight hug. ''My god.'' He broke out of the embrace. ''If it hadn't been for you I'd be dead by now.''

She smiled, opening her mouth to reply, but at that moment a high wind began to pull her away from him. She looked at him wildly as the force became green jets of light.

''Lily - What the, what the hell is happening?!'' Albus held onto her wildly.

She too was panicking, even though she understood. ''I am retuning. To my old life, to Middle Earth!''

It hit him like a brick wall, he was numb with shock. she was going, she was leaving him, forever. That last word echoed round his brain and he realised the inevitable thing that had been hidden for the year he had known Lily Archeron. He loved her.

''Albus!'' She cried above the increasing wind. ''Albus, this is goodbye.'' 

He hung onto her, he had to. He had to save her. ''No! You have to stay!'' Tears were rolling down her cheeks and flying into the wind as she was lifted upwards into the swirling tunnel of green.

''Albus, you must let go, you must let me go!''

He shook his head, strengthening his grip. ''I can't let you go Lily!'' And moving his hands to her neck, he kissed her as they were both swallowed into the night.

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