The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter 34
Chapter 33 ~ Beliefs of a Time
''What's happening?!'' Albus cried in disbelief. ''Where's Lily?''
''Oh, it vasn't your precious Lilee scveaming.'' Piotr, one of the two, informed him slyly. ''It was simply a Beaxbaton girl ve used. We just needed you to come.''
Albus looked from one sneering Russian to the other. ''What are you playing at?! You could get eliminated from the competition for this, don't think I won't tell them.'' He threatened.
The two Durmstrangs kept smiling. ''I don't think you'll be going any vhere, Albus Potter.'' Dominik, the other replied. He nodded at Piotr.
''Accio vand.'' Albus' wand flew from his own hand into Piotr's. He strode up to them, furious. ''Give me my wand back now, Durmstrang. You'll get in big trouble for this.''
The two of them laughed.
''Ve have bigger plans than vinning a silly leetle competition.'' Dominik said. ''Now, let us get started.'' He held out his wand. ''Vot about a leetle bit of pain to start vith?'' He drew his wand level with the now backing away Albus. ''Crucio!''
The searing pain hit Albus in the chest, drawing a scream from him as he sank to the ground. Burning filled every inch of his fragile body, deep inside every part of himself was filled with the screaming pain. Writhing, twisting about on the ground he screamed; ''Why are you doing this?!''
''Albus Potter, Harry Potter's son, the son of the man who destroyed the dark lord!'' Dominik cried above Albus' screams of pain. ''Now he shall die like his father should hav done, and the beliefs of Lord Voldemort shall rise again through his loyal supporters despite his death!''
Albus, mind and body full of pain, could only gasp at this proclamation. Lord Voldemort lived on in two seventeen-year-olds, obsessed with his old beliefs.
Dominik lifted his wand away and Albus went limp, almost unconcious from the pain that still ached in his body. He raised his head, Piotr now pointing his wand at him. Raising it, he hauled Albus up to his feet. Stumbling, he almost fell to the ground once more. His legs were weak, his mind exhausted. The pain had gone, replaced by fear and dread of what was to come.
Piotr flicked his wand to the side and Albus skidded to the right. Now that the pain had gone, he began to regain his senses. He looked upon the two boys with deep, dark hatred.
''Give me my wand.'' His voice was strong once more. They laughed that same scornful enough.
''Ve've had enough playing around.'' Dominik pointed his wand at Albus once more, as did Piotr. ''Now time to deliver the death blow.''
Albus had barely time to react before two jets of green light flashed towards him.