The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33
Chapter 32 ~ The Scream.
At that junction were Albus had gone right, Lily, in a fit of panic and confusion as she felt the familiar rush of energy she felt each night, had raced off. She didn't want him to see.
It was only ten'o'clock but Draco Malfoys spell had worn off early. Was it because of her upcoming return? She did not know, but it was all she needed right now. What if they ran into another team?
As the familiar green ropes of light snaked themselves around her body, she began to hear far-off sounds. Her heightened hearing senses came with the transformation and she could now hear the people outside the great maze talking, a Sphinx speaking it's riddle, two boys talking in Russian...
She raised her head, listening to their speech. Then they lapsed into English and she realized the two Durmstrang champions were not alone.
''Now you vill scveam.'' The hard, sneering voice of one of them drifted into her ears. ''Scveam like zat girl, his partner.'' She realized they were talking about her. So they wanted Albus to come to them. Presumably they had one of the Beaxbatons with them. But why did they want to hurt Albus? They would be removed from the tournament, they would not win. Or did it involve another source of motivation other than competiveness?
And then the girl began to scream.
Albus heard it and jumped. Lily! It had to be. It was nearby, it was her! He abandoned all thoughts of navigation and began to run through the hedgerow passages, desperately trying to find the source of the haunting cry. It came again, even more terrifying than before. What was happening? Was it fire? He needed to get to her, he needed to help her, he needed to save her..
Then it came once more and he realized he was not far from it at all. Racing round a corner, he expected to be greeted by a hurt Lily, but instead he was welcomed by the two red-robed Durmstrangs, smirking at him as he slowed to a halt.