The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Two

Chapter 3

Chapter two ~ Aboard the Train.

''Hey Al! Nice to see you! Good holidays Lil?'' Rob, Albus' best friend entered the compartment, followed by Rose and Fred Weasley. Lily and Rose began their usual in-depth conversation whilst Fred and Rob sat down next to Albus, slouching on the seat. 

''Hey Al, you see that new girl joining this year? She is super hot.'' Rob began the conversation enthusiastically. 

Albus shook his head, trying to forget his prolonged staring at the girl on the platform, who was probably the unnamed object of Rob's enthusiasm. 

Fred laughed ''Rob, you think every girl is hot, even Ellie Midgen.''

 Rob looked indignant. ''No! That was a phase.'' He protested. ''Seriously though guys, she is one heck of a stunner.''

 Fred's amused expression became even more prominent.  ''What's her name?'' 

Rob blushed slightly. ''Umm, I dunno, but really guys she is so-''

''Okay Rob, we get the message.'' Lily cut in. ''Now can you please talk about something else? Me and Rose are trying to talk without puking here.''

Rob pulled a face at Lily and she laughed. ''You still haven't got the hang of being a seventh year have you?'' 

''Nope.'' Rob replied matter-o-factly. ''And I'm proud to say I never will.''

Both Albus and Fred laughed at this remark, but a quelling look from the girls ended the merriment and Rob changed the subject after pulling Lily's pony tail and stealing Rose's book.

''So guys, you entering this year?'' Both Albus and Fred nodded immediately. Their last triwizard tournament had been held when they were second-years, but luckily this one coincided with their seventeenth birthdays. 

''Isn't Percy gonna be judging it this year?'' Albus asked Fred, as his uncle, Percy Weasley, Had taken Barty Crouch's place after the wizarding war. 

''Yeah, rotten luck if I get in.'' Fred replied dolefully.

''Why? You'll have an ally in the judges area.'' Rob asked.

''Yeah but Uncle Percy doesn't work like that. If I'm in, he'll give me a really tough grade because people might think he'd be favouring me.'' Fred explained.

'' not going in then?'' Albus queried, confused by the statement. 

''No!'' Fred looked indignant. ''I wish Percy wasn't judging, but he's not gonna stop me entering!''

''Okay mate. calm down.'' Rob laid a consoling hand on his friend's arm mockingly. Fred pushed it off and squinted through the glass door of their compartment. 

''Hmmm...where d'you think the trolley will be now?"

Albus looked at his friends and raised an eyebrow. "I'm guessing you want me to head out and get your stuff?"

They both grinned simultaneously, Fred's white smile dazzling in contrast with his skin. "Angel!" He remarked as they both handed their money to Albus and shoved him out of the compartment. Albus chuckled, but his laughter soon faded as he glimpsed the girl again, looking to be doing the same thing as him - craning her neck and looking out for the plump witch who manned the desirable eatables. She was looking the other way then suddenly turned her head and saw him, and immediate smile dawning on her face.

"Greetings." She said, making a strange gesture with her hand. "You are of the seventh year?"

Trying to work his head round her slightly strange wording, Albus answered after a pause. "Er-yes, yes. I'm a seventh-year." He looked her up and down, assessing her slightly with dark eyes. "Griffindoor." She seemed to be doing the same thing to him, observing with interested yet a more unguarded gaze. However, their perspectives were obviously different.

He saw a thin, lithe girl dressed in grey jeans and a tight green top, honey-brown hair gathered into a loose plait from which several hairs around her face had worked their way loose. Her face was heart-shaped and pale, though there was a slight hint of freckles on her cheeks. Her eyes were almond-shaped, grey-green and observing under sharp, long eyebrows. Her nose narrow and straight, her bone structure finely chiselled and her mouth small and pleasant.

She saw a tall, broad boy with a long, serious face, dark eyes under heavy brows and a slightly tanned forehead that was the same shade of the rest of his face. His hair was a dark mess, it stuck up at the back and curled in loose waves over his forehead. He wore a loose red sweater and dark blue jeans, muggle trainers upon his feet. His chin was firm under a solemn mouth, and his expression at that moment the same assessing look as she herself wore.

"I'm Albus Potter." He said after a short pause. He realised what Rob had meant about her, she was certainly very attractive. But there was also something else...a kind of aura, and eyes that watched with captivating wariness. She caught your eye immediately, as she had on the platform for Albus.

She nodded. "My name is Lilae- Lily. Lily Archeron." She smiled in an attempt to divert attention from her mistake, and she certainly did so. Her dazzling smile from elf form had not dispersed with the rest of her exotic features when the spell and been cast.

Albus smiled nervously back. "'re starting this year? Where were you before?"

The girl hesitated slightly, but then answered. "I was - taught at home. By Mr. Malfoy."

Albus felt himself tense slightly. He had never really met Draco, but he certainly wasn't a fan of the Malfoy boys. "Ah." He nodded. "Sounds you a family friend  of them or something?"

"In a sense." She answered. "And you, you are the son of Harry Potter?" 

"Yeah." Albus knew that it was an inevitable question. "One of them, anyway."

"Yes, I have heard a lot about you..." Her words were cut off as the unmistakable sound of the trolley witch asking for orders, and Lily turned to walk down the corridor in a shy fashion, Albus following in silence to also seek the confectionary. They both ordered with simplicity, but not a word was spoken between them again until the trolley had pass and both possessed their purchases, and in Albus' case, also his friends. A liquorice wand fell to the floor and Lily bent dan to pick it up, holding it out to him with a smile. 

"I take it this is not all for you?" She said as he took the wand with a hand that held four more.

"No." Albus laughed. "No, my friends own at least half of this stuff." He answered, trying to save a pumpkin pasty as it slipped from his grasp.

She chuckled in return and picked up the somewhat squashed pastry. "Do you want me to help?"

"Yeah - er, that'd be great if you don't mind." Albus replied with gratification.

She grinned and brought out her wand. "Wingardium Leviosa." Concentrating hard, she levitated two packs of Bertie Bott's every flavoured beans into her arms, closely followed by a few chocolate frogs.

"Thanks." Albus said, adjusting his hold on the remaining confectionary.

She smiled. "You're welcome." There was a pause before they both turned to walk back down to their compartments.

"What house do you think you'll be in, then?" Albus said the first question that came into his yea,d a common one for new first-years but rare among the seniors.

Lily creased her brow. "I am not sure. You could say I was clever, but I am not amazing, and I can be kind but don't always choose to. As for cunning, I am moderately proficient at this." She shrugged. "I really cannot say."

Albus nodded. "Yeah, sometimes it is hard. What were you're family's houses? Or are?"

"I-" She paused and and Albus saw a flicker of sadness cross her face. "I do not have a family. Only the Malfoy's."

Albus felt guilt swell in his stomach. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

She looked at him, surprised. "How were you to know? Do not worry, I am not offended or anything."

Albus tried not to let his confusion show, and answered. "So you've lived with Malfoy's all your life then?"

"Yes." She smiled. "And there is one now."

The girl had turned as was walking down the corridor to greet a smiling Vlad Malfoy - although his expression changed to that of anger once he caught sight of Albus, very much the same as Albus' expression as he saw Vlad.

Lily noticed the expression on her companions face and that of her new friend. "I take it you have met before?" She ventured uneasily.

"Yes." Said Vlad grimly. There was more silence before Albus addressed Lily once more.

"Ok, well, see you around. Hope you get into Gryffindoor."

And with that last comment which made Vlad's pale cheeks blush with anger, Albus strode off down the corridor.

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