The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter 29
Chapter 28 ~ Running
Albus awoke in the morning thinking it had all been a dream. The desperate stumble back to the school had worn him out, he'd sunk in to bed and slipped into a deep sleep. But Lily's absence at breakfast alarmed him and he realized it hadn't been his nightly imagination. She'd run away because of what he saw. And the final task of the tournament was tomorrow.
His friends were not as curious, more wrapped up in their own lives at the moment. His sister and Rob were spending a weekend with each other, as were Fred and Nina. Rose was studying, having left it a little late for her upcoming O.W.L.S. None of the teachers bothered with Lily's disappearance, they didn't notice, as it was Sunday and there were no classes.
And even if his friends had noticed Lily's absence, how could he tell them about the incident the previous night? They'd tell him he was mad, drunk or dreaming. By midday he was at his wits end. He needed Lily to come back. He needed to understand.
And then he realized that there was only one person in the entire school who could help him.
Vladimir Malfoy.
In a dark glade in the forest, a girl sighed and lifted her head out of her hands. Lily was no longer in her true form, Draco Malfoy's spell reaching her in the early hours of the morning. But she couldn't go back. Not after what Albus had seen. She was terrified of what he might say, what he might do. And the third task was tomorrow. What could she do? She needed to be there. But tomorrow was also midsummer's eve. The night she returned to her world forever.
''Malfoy.'' Vlad spun round to be greeted by Albus, looking very similar to Vlad himself at that moment, pale and concerned, though Vlad immediately scowled when he saw Albus.
''I don't have time for your taunts, Potter. I have more important matters on my mind.'' Vlad turned on his heel but Albus grabbed his arm.
''It's about Lily.'' Albus said in a lower voice.
Vlad looked around him. He pushed Albus into an empty classroom nearby, shutting the door before turning on him. ''What have you done Potter? Where is she?!''
Albus' face darkened with anger. ''I haven't done anything to her! I saw her, that's all, and she ran.''
Vlad's face remained glaring. ''Saw her! What d'you mean saw her?!''
Albus looked pointedly at him. ''You know what I mean Malfoy. At night. Midnight.''
Vlad went pale. ''Where - Where is she?'' His voice was quiet, less sneering.
''Some where in the Forbidden Forest. She saw that I was watching her and ran, I don't know where. But if you find her, she'll talk to you.'' Albus almost choked in the act of speaking the last sentence, but Vlad simply grabbed his cloak from his bag and made for the door.
''Malfoy!'' Albus halted him. ''Why is she like that? What's wrong with her? Just tell me straight, I'm tired of mysteries.''
Vlad looked at him with his old sneer. ''You wouldn't understand, Potter.'' And with the final patronizing remark, he raced out of the classroom and through the castle, running into the forest as fast as he could.