The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter 27
Chapter 26 ~ Hogsmeade
Albus could not work out what had happened, but the sudden change in the friendship of Vlad and Lily both angered and confused him. Vlad had ignored Lily, hadn't apologised until five months later than Albus had done (Albus presumed Vlad had aplogised), and to him, was a downright git. Albus couldn't be cold with Lily because that would just push her closer to Vlad, but he couldn't do anything to stop the alarming amount of time Lily spent with Vlad. And then came the Hogsmeade weekend.
He, his sister, Rose and Rob apparated there at eleven, though Rose and Lily had to cling on to the two boys as they hadn't yet learned to apparate. Fred was already down there, probably residing in The Three Broomsticks with Nina Macmillian.
Sure enough, upon entering the pub, Albus and Rose (Lily Potter and Rob had gone off to Zonko's Joke Shop) spied Fred snogging Nina over his firewhisky. Albus and Rose grinned at each other and after ordering a butterbeer, sat down by the window. After gazing out of the window at the passing shoppers, Rose changed her mind about the seating arrangements.
''You know, we really shouldn't be sitting inside. It's a lovely day.'' She stood up, butterbeer in hand. ''You alright to sit outside?''
Albus shrugged. ''Ok then.'' He followed his cousin into the bright sunshine and they took a seat on one of the wooden tables outside the building. It really was a lovely day, and soon they were down to long-sleeved tops, a miracle if you took into account the usual highland weather where Hogwarts was situated. There was silence as they basked in the rare sun, before Rose broke the peaceful gap of sound with a more uncomfortable question.
''So...where's your fellow champion?''
Albus' face darkened. ''Well, I asked her whether she wanted to come down here with me, but apparently she's ''Busy''. '' He scowled. ''Most likely with a slimy Slytherin who goes by the name Vladimir Malfoy.''
Rose frowned. ''They going out then?'' Albus couldn't stop himself from flinching.
''I-I don't know.'' Albus blinked several times but Rose didn't seem to notice his reactions and went on tactlessly;
''Must be. It's kind of expected though, his Father being her guardian.'' She took another sip of her butterbeer. ''Still, I don't think he's a good choice for her. I've never liked any of the Malfoy's, despite his dad being ok with mine, I'll never forget all the humiliating tales I've heard from my Mum.'' Rose was also against Malfoy's, being daughter of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, it wasn't surprising.
Albus, glad to hear some support in the anti-Malfoy league, nodded, and was about to drop a malicious comment when he saw a sight which made his stomach churn. Vlad and Lily were exiting Honeydukes, paper bags laden with confectionary in hand. Vlad was smiling and talking to Lily in a very excited way, and she was laughing with him as he said something funny. Then, after another comment from Vlad, a kiss between the two of them followed.
Albus gulped and swallowed heavily. There was nothing sickly-sweet or cheesy about this sight - it was that they were ''together''. A couple. It was horrible, like when you're falling in a dream and your stomach is twisting and turning as you plunge into darkness. He stood up and turned to put on his coat. Rose, who had also been watching, though slightly less agast, sighed but let her cousin go. She knew he wouldn't want anyone following him and saying ''It's alright Albus. Everything is going to be fine.'' Because it wasn't alright and everything was most certainly not fine.