The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter 25
Chapter 24 ~ Scores
With a flash of her tail, Lily leapt from the water and onto the jetty, closely followed by Albus, who slammed down onto the wooden platform with a thud, slightly less elegant than Lily's return. There was a few seconds for the audience to gasp (and Lily and Albus, as their gills disappeared along with the tails) before Madam Pomfrey rushed over with warm towels for them. Professor Mcgonagall and Katie Bell followed, both beaming.
''You're first in Griffindoors! Neither of the other two teams have appeared yet!'' Katie Bell was extremely pleased, and Professor Mcgonagall congratulated them and shedded another of her rare but warm smiles upon the pair. Then came Fred, Rob, Lily Potter and Rose, the first two doing some kind of war dance and the other two giving them hearty congratulations also.
They both slipped on robes over their costumes, and by the time they'd received all the other ''well done''s, the Beaxbatons appeared, both looking worn out and worried, but they were only ten minutes over the timer so they were alright, still holding the first place because of their high scores in the first task. However, the Hogwarts team was now in second place due to the timing of the Durmstrang.
Half an hour later the two champions had not yet appeared and Krumm was gradually turning paler. Professor Silvers went off to see what she could do, and another fifteen minutes went by before she returned with information.
''I've received news from a Hogwarts ghost that the two boys are currently unconcious in the mer village, having tried to attack the creatures and the mer turning on them most ruthlessly. I have just sent two of you wizards-'' She adressed Katie Bell '' -Down there to retrieve them. Luckily their bubble-head charms have stayed cast upon them.'' Viktor Krumm sighed with relief, turning to Percy Weasley to discuss scores.
The Durmstrangs were taken up to the sick bay to be brought back round, and the other two teams, along with all the teachers and spectators, made their way back to the castle. The Beaxbatons disappeared into their carridge and Lily and Albus proceeded to change into some warmer clothes before going down to the great hall to see what the scores were, though they had a pretty good idea of what the arrangment was.
''Now, the team with the highest amount of points will enter the great Hogwarts maze first. Then the team with the next highest amount of points, and then the team with the lowest amount of points.'' Professor Mcgonagall explained. Lily looked confused at the mention of the maze, Albus having to fill her in quickly before the Headmistress continued, after surveying her audience to make sure it was understood. ''So, in order of entrance to the Maze, comes the Beaxbatons team-'' There was a huge amount of applause considering that only thirty or so students were there to applaud their team. ''-Then, fifteen minutes later, the Hogwarts champions will enter the Maze-'' The applause was also thundering ''-And lastly, the Durmstrangs will enter.'' More applause, but Lily was already badgering Albus for information on the maze. Albus smiled.
Ah, the joy of scores.