The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter 24
Chapter 23 ~ Reaching the Surface
Despite the light emitting from their wands, Lily and Albus could hardly see as they swam blindly through the tunnels, hoping that they would somehow reach the exit. For half an hour they slipped silently through the black passages, trying not to think about what they were swimming through and what could join them in the water. Then Albus finally stopped Lily with a sigh.
''Look, we need to think, try and work out which way we should be going, rather than just picking directions randomly. We started off deep and near the right side of the lake.'' He said sensibly. ''So we should be heading the other way, we must be near the castle by now and that isn't right.'' He looked at Lily, who nodded and said;
''Ok then, right it is. Let's go.'' She turned at the junction and they continued down the long pipe till they reached the next turn-off. Albus went right but then realized Lily had gone the other way - to a dead end.
''Lily, I said we need to go right.'' She didn't reply and kept staring at the wall. Exasperated, he swam over. ''Lily come on, we need to-''. He gasped - could you gasp underwater? Well, he was entitled to. For the dead end was not a dead end. It was the entrance to the chamber of secrets.
The stories his father had told him came rushing back into his head. Of course, the chamber wasn't really of any use to them, but it was cool all the same. He couldn't open it though, though it would be great to have a look, because he couldn't speak parcletongue. Smiling, he turned to Lily. ''So you know what it is then.''
''Yes, it's recorded in the book all about the wizarding war, you know, the one by your aunt.'' She ran her fingers along one of the intricately craved metal snakes. ''I wish we could go in. You don't happen to speak parceltongue, by any chance?''
He shook his head regretfully. ''Nah, my older brother James inherited that ability from my Dad.''
Lily looked at the door and then turned. ''Come on then, we need to get going. We only have forty minutes left.'' He nodded and went to follow, but stopped a few seconds later.
''Hang on, Lily, I think I have an idea of how to get out of here.'' His face was bright with idea, but she looked puzzled.
''I though the going right was your idea.''
''Well, it was, but I have a better one.'' He held his wand to his mouth and incanted. ''Sonourus.'' He grinned at Lily. ''Let's just hope she'll hear me from under the water.'' Lily waited, intrigued. Smiling, he yelled at the top of his lungs, still using the volume enhancing spell. ''MYRTLE!''
There was a ''Whoosh'' almost straight away and a small figure came zooming through the pipe wall and into the water. Once having straightened her glasses, Moaning Myrtle beamed at Albus and smoothed her bunches.
''Albus! How nice to see you! Though you do look a bit different this time'' Bubbles came out of her mouth as she chattered underwater, eyes lingering on his tail. She turned to Lily. ''And you, whoever you are.'' Myrtle glanced around. ''Though, I must ask, what are you doing down here?''
Albus grinned. ''It's a triwizard tournament task, and Lily's my team partner. Actually Myrtle, we were wondering if you could help us.'' Myrtle smiled. It was clear she liked Albus a lot, like his father before him. The Potter's were about the only people who could stop Myrtle Moaning.
''What with?'' She inquired.
''Well, you see, we have to get out of these pipes and back up the surface of the black lake.'' He explained. ''And we are utterly lost. But you must know the way out.''
She beamed proudly. ''Of course I do. I'll take you up to the top.'' She turned around. ''But you'll have to be fast.'' And with the last comment, she hurtled up the tunnel, Lily and Albus hastening to follow her.
Even at their high speed, it took more than twenty minutes of twisting and turning through the maze of pipes before they saw the light of the lake a little way off. Albus knew their mistake had been taking random terms, and he'd completely forgotten about the ''Point Me'' spell. No doubt the other two teams would be back by now. Still, at least they'd got out.
Myrtle floated by the exit whilst they caught up, she was very fast and they were quite out of breath from the exercising of their tails. Albus inspected his watch. ''Ten more minutes.'' He poked his head out of the pipe opening and looked around the lake surroundings, catching a glimpse of the bottom of the jetty not far off. ''Well, we'd better get going Myrtle, but thanks so much fro your help.''
She smiled and did a little loop-the-loop. ''No problem Albus. Just make sure you come and visit me in the toilets some time soon.'' He assured her he would, and after Lily had said her thanks to the ghost, she and Albus made for the jetty at high speed.