The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 ~ The Key, the Door and an Unpleasant Result

Lily and Albus soon found the Mer village, halting their fast flurry of swim. The mer were not as muggles portrayed, with golden hair and beautiful appearance. They had large, fishy green eyes, reed-like green hair and slimy green skin, tails similar to that of Lily and Albus' temporary ones caused by the Sea Thrift. The mer were all gathered in front of a cave in a large underwater rock face. They had their eyes closed, and all seemed peaceful. But not for long.

''What do we do?'' Albus' question adressed to Lily awoke the creatures and they advanced on the two champions, swirling around them and glaring, reaching out to tug at their hair and tails. It was Lily they were really going for, she couldn't get to her wand and dropped it whilst all the mer turned their attentions to her. It floated down to the bottom and Albus swam to grab it, holding out his own wand. He'd have to attack them - but it didn't seem right.

Then he remembered the singing of the mermaid pictures and mosaics in the school, and the song required to open the shell clue. Well, he'd give it a go.

He opened his mouth and in his new, pure voice, he began to sing another song from ''Oliver!'', not one of Rob's favourites, but one they had often after their friends continuous playing of the film. ''Where is love'' filled the water and the mer halted in their actions. Then slowly, they began to drift away, and to hum at the same time. Albus kept on signing, and gradually the ones left in the area began to sleep. Lily whisked away into the cave and he followed her slowly, still singing. 

And there, in the cave, lay the three chests. It seemed that the other two teams had not yet been, this lifting the spirits of Lily and Albus. They were in the lead. Albus still singing, just to be on the safe side, they heaved open the lid of the chest craved with the Hogwart's coat of arms carved upon it. A large brass key lay in the bottom, and Lily picked it up before Albus handed her her wand and they set off again, the mer stirring once Albus had stopped singing. 

The underwater temple wasn't far from the village, as they could see the red jets of light fired by what sounded like the Durmstrang team, and the mer screaching as they were hit, a less humane way of getting past the creatures taking place. This happening stimulated them to act faster. The Durmstrang's would probably get to their chest soon. 

The temple was not guarded by Mer, most fortunetely, and the two champions passed in freely, hurridley making their way to the three doors. Lily tried to the key on the middle one, but it didn't work. It took another try on the door to the right to open. Albus and Lily exchanged glances as they were greeted by a tunnel of black, the only light coming from where they were standing. There were bits of seaweed and clumps of mud floating in the black water, and it certainly did not look friendly.

Albus glanced at his watch. They'd already been fifty minutes. Even if they had light from their wands, it was going to take a long time to navigate the tunnels, he could tell, and they may hold some unpleasant delays. He held out is wand. ''Lumos Maxima!'' Lily did the same, the pipe becoming a little more visible, though it didn't help much because it made Albus even more sure that he did not want to enter it. Gritting his teeth, he followed Lily into the darkness. 

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