The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 ~ Platform 9 3/4.
''Hey Lil, who's that boy over there?'' Harry Potter addressed his daughter as his eyes rested on a flaxen-haired boy standing on the platform. His daughter, Lily Potter, rolled her eyes.
''God, Dad, you can tell you haven't taken us to the station for five years! That's Vlad Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's son.''
Her father looked back at the boy in a bemused manner. ''I thought he had Scorpius?'' Harry enquired ignorantly.
Lily gave a tired sigh. ''Yes, but that's his other son, Vlad. He's in Albus' year.''
''Oh yeah.'' Harry answered faintly, the information coming back to him. ''Well, no wonder he reminded me of Malfoy. He's the spitting image of his father when we were at school, even more so than Scorpius.'' A few distant, but unpleasant memories came back to him. Still, he and Draco were at ease now. More or less. At least Draco wasn't a git any more, reforming after the wizarding war.
Harry watched as Draco himself came through the barrier and greeted his son, turning back to his daughter as a girl of about seventeen entered after Draco and joined the pair. ''Who's she?''
Lily turned to look at the girl. ''No idea.'' Lily confessed, brow creasing. ''Must be a new student, starting in her seventh year.'' She abandoned her ignorance and turned her attention onto her brother, who was now striding towards them.
''Sorry.'' He apologised, letting his trunk thump onto the platform with a deep exhalation. ''Got a bit delayed due to a crowd of muggles. They just wouldn't move.''
His father laughed. ''Well, we're lucky you didn't get trampled then.'' he reached to ruffle his son's hair but Albus ducked neatly with an indignant retort.
''Seriously, it was like drowning! And please don't do that, Dad, I'm not eleven any more. It's extremely annoying.''
Harry chuckled again. ''That's why I do it.'' Albus then went for his father and the two of them engaged in a mock punch-up whilst Lily rolled her eyes patronisingly for twenty seconds until the familiar chuffing was heard and she reached to tug on her brother's sleeve.
''I'm afraid I'll have to interrupt your father-son moment to drag Albus away to school.'' She remarked, hauling Albus up to stand straight. ''Come on, let's get on.''
Harry grinned at his son before raising his eyebrows at his daughter. ''Well, you two have fun. Sorry we can't see you at Christmas, but I'm afraid southern France is more appealing than a family christmas.''
''Hey! What does southern France have on us?" Lily entered the throng indignantly, finally playing along.
''Where would you like me to begin?'' Her father replied with another grin. Suprisingly it was Lily who gave him a push and laughed in reply, Albus temporarily leaving the conversation. His attention had been drawn to some thing else.
''Anyway, have a nice time this year.'' Harry kissed his daughter on the cheek and gave her a hug. She returned these gestures warmly before pulling out with a smile.
''The same to you, Dad.'' She turned to her brother once more and patted him on the arm.
''Albus. Albus! We need to get on. Say bye for goodness sake.''
Albus turned abruptly, pulled back into reality, though the image of his attentions still flashed before him. That girl, with the Malfoys. Something and captivated him there for a second. But a minute later, it was like her whole face had changed. Shaking his head, he gave a smile and once again addressed his sister.
''Yeah, I'm coming Lil, you go on.'' Lily gave a slight tut and disappeared onto the train, levitating her trunk, whilst Albus hugged his father.
''See you Dad.'' Albus turned for his trunk. ''I'll enter, I promise.''
And with a wave, he too disappeared onto the train, leaving his father smiling in a half-sad, half-proud sort of way. The triwizard tournament. If only his son couldd win, it like he did all those years ago.
Albus could, and hopefully, he would.