The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Eighteen

Chapter 19

Chapter 18 ~ The Other Side of the World

Despite being sullen and grim all evening, Albus danced for most of it. His enthusiastic partner was very strong, he just couldn't stop her. After the meal came what seemed like hours of dancing, he was extremely surprised at the singer's and her band's stamina, though not at his date's. At half eleven, however, when the crowd began to deplete slightly, he managed to break from the grip of his energetic partner and beckon her out of the dancers.

''Come on, let's get some drinks. I'm thirsty.'' He said briefly, and made  his way over to the table, sitting her down at a table whilst he went to get them. He glanced at her as he turned to reach for a glass. She was smiling innocently and looking around herself with interest. He turned back to the glasses and raked his hand through his dark hair. The evening wasn't just awkward with the presence of Lily and Malfoy, it was dull. He had no conversation, all his friends were enjoying themselves to much, and his date could hardly speak any English. Sighing, he poured the drinks and turned to make his way over to Antoinette. However, his eyes came to rest on an empty seat. Great. She'd gone. Probably somewhere in the crowd. He put her drink down and moved to sit down on a chair next to the drinks table. Sipping, he watched his friends with a doleful expression. He could see his sister and Rob, her flaming hair giving them away in the huge crowd, and Rose was there also, visible for the same reason. Fred and Nina didn't seem to be anywhere , but since Fred could often go a bit over on the amount of firewhisky he consumed, he guessed Nina Macmillian had been wise enough to get him out of the hall before Fred started singing. And Lily?...Well, she was coming towards him.

''Hey Albus.'' She smiled serenely, full of delight. ''Isn't everything so beautiful tonight?'' She poured herself a butterbeer and sat down in a chair beside him. ''How's it going for you?''

''Well, I seem to have lost my date.'' He said stiffly, creating a more awkward atmostphere.

''Oh.'' Lily peered at the crowd. ''Did she wander off or something?''

''Yeah, she's probably dancing.'' He said light-heartedly. He didn't really care any more to be honest. 

''Well, I'm not surprised. The music's great.'' She commented. There was a painful silence before Albus finally got round to asking;

''So, where's Malfoy?'' He sneered slightly, a standard protocol of his whenever Vlad Malfoy came to mind.

Lily sighed. ''Albus, do you have to sneer at Vlad whenever he's mentioned?'' Albus blushed.

''Anyway, where is he?'' He said with more of a small talk tone. 

''Gone to talk to his Slytherin friends.'' Lily was obviously not altogether pleased with this arrangement. ''Apparently they don't approve of him taking me here and now he's got to make it up to them.'' She sighed. ''I wish he'd just drop them. They're the worst peer group you could ever mix with.''

Albus didn't really now how to reply, seeing as he couldn't drop a scathing comment about his rival, but luckily the applause for the previous song came, and he turned his mind to the simple task of clapping robotically.

''Thanks everyone, you're such a wonderful audience. And now, my biggest hit so far, ''Other side of the world*'.'' There was more thundering applause as the singer announced her next number. The clapping died out as she began the first chords on her guitar. 

''Oh yeah, I know this one.'' Albus commented. Lily, however, was watching Vlad Malfoy, who was now exiting the hall with his group of Slytherin friends. She turned to him.

''Albus.'' She sighed. ''You wanna dance?''

He stared at her, completely bewildered. She sighed again.

''Sorry, I, I shouldn't have asked.'' She moved to get up, but Albus grabbed her hand and rose with her. 

''No Lily, I'd love to.'' She smiled shyly and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. He smiled awkwardly.

''I know it's not really that kind of music, but, you wanna have a waltz?'' She grinned, amused. 

''Well, maybe not a waltz, seeing as it's not the right beat-'' She laughed at his blank face as she began on metronomes. ''Ok, just copy me.'' She put her arms around his neck and they swayed through the first chorus. As many of the other couples began to do the same, a feeling of calm and peace drifted into the air. But it was not to be.

''Lily?!'' Lily broke the position and Albus lifted his head to be greeted by one angry Malfoy. Lily opened her mouth, but then came the echoing strikes of the clock.

''Midnight.'' She whispered. The chorus began to play again as she looked wildly from Vlad to Albus.

''And the fire fades away

Most of everyday

Is full of tired excuses

But it's to hard to say.

I wish it were simple

But we give up easily-'' *

Lily was turning to run now, Albus caught up in a flurry of confusion, anger and shock. The lyrics rang in his head, echoing as they seemed to fit in with the situation. 

'' -You're close enough to see that

You're the other side of the world

to me.'' *

Albus ran after her figure as she raced across the hall, Vlad behind him and trying to tell him something. It was the scene from Cinderella all over again - this time with two princes. He wanted to yell, but he was breathless, and even if he had he doubted she would have heard him over the music. No one seemed to notice the scene taking place, the dancers were still sawing round the hall and the people on the sidelines were making polite conversation, not seeing the running trio race out of the hall, one after another. The corridoor leading to the great castle door was empty, Lily dragging open the door and tearing out into the snow. Albus reached the door just as it slammed shut with an almighty thump, but opening it once more found neither Lily nor a slipper. The only thing he saw was a flash of green as a dark figure disappeared out of view.

He let the great door shut once more and turned round to be greeted by a furious Malfoy.

''What are you doing you fool! Why did you follow her!'' Vlad Malfoy's face was flushed pale red, whether the result of the sudden sprint or raging anger was impossible to tell. Albus felt the familiar rush of anger and rose up to come face to face with him.

''You were following her too! Plus, it isn't like it's an everyday thing, someone rushing out into the snow when the clock strikes twelve!'' He let his anger loose on Malfoy, glad he had a reason and glad Lily wasn't around. ''It isn't like it's a crime, following your friend out when she suddenly becomes extremely distressed!''

Malfoy swallowed, still panting, still glaring. ''Well, I tell you what is a crime. Your dancing with my date when you have one of your own!'' 

''For your information Malfoy, she asked me to dance, and only because you were disappearing off with your damned friends!'' Albus shouted. 

Malfoy's complexion became paler. ''You git.'' He muttered, stepping back from Albus. ''You ruddy arsehole.'' 

Albus let him mutter, he had other questions for Malfoy. ''I'd like to know why she rushed out of here, Malfoy.'' He caught Vlad on the shoulder. 

Vlad shook Albus' hand off and glared at him. ''Well, I tell you what.'' He retorted, eye's still sparkling with fury. ''You can get lost.'' And he turned to stride down the hall, vanishing round the corner whilst Albus stood there, blazing with anger. He could here the the chorus playing again as the singer granted the wishes of the roaring fans who still danced in the hall.

''And can you still love me

When you can't see me any more?

And the fire fades away

most of every day

is full of tired excuses

but it's to hard to say.

I wish it were simple

but we give up easily

your close enough to see that

you're the other side of the world-

your the other side of the world-

you're the other side of the wor-ld

to me.'' *

*This is a song by real-life Muggle artist KT Turnstall. Go and listen to it, it's such a great track and I had to add it because it really fits the moment. Remember, I OWN NOTHING.

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