The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter 17 ~ The Champion's Dance
Albus greeted his date nervously, though she seemed thoroughly confident and extremely pleased. She was wearing robes of pale gold, matching her blonde hair, which was coiled into a single ringlet and decended over her right shoulder.
''Ummm, you look nice.'' Was his light-hearted observation
She smiled enthusiastically. ''Merci Albis.''
''Champions over here please!'' Professor Silvers shouted. Albus grinned at his partner nervously and they made their way over to where the Beabaxtons and Durmstrang teams were stationed with their dates. However, Lily was absent. Where was she?
Then, as if on cue, a girl with dark hair pinned into a bun with layers framing her face, green eyes sparkling like the ivy pin that fastened her forest green dress appeared. A shining silver headpiece held back her hair, dainty green slippers fastened on her feet, earrings tinkling in the candlelight. Albus' stomach constricted as Vlad Malfoy appeared beside her and he kissed her on the cheek before they glided over.
''Ah, Lily, there you are. Now, get ready. The dance will start in a minute or so.'' Students and their dates sat themselves down at the tables round the edges of the hall and the band began to play a beat. The singer replaced her guitar with a violin and in what seemed to be thirty seconds or so, the music began.
Antionette, his date (incidentally he'd only discovered her name due to his sisters information), lead him forward and he tried to remember the positions to the dance. If only he didn't have Vlad and Lily sailing by perfectly whilst he stumbled over his feet.
After other pairs started joining in, he wanted to leave the dance, but Antoinette seemed very keen to keep dancing and he couldn't work out how to get out of her grip. The waltz ended, and the band switched their instruments. A different kind of music started to blare across the hall and Antoinette smiled at him.
''I love dis one.'' She took his hands and started twirling him about. Maybe it would have been better if he'd gone with someone a little less enthusiastic.
He could see his sister and Rob having a great time, Lily dressed in a pretty lilac dress and laughing whilst Rob showed off some idiotic dance moves. Fred wasn't much better, but Nina Macmillan seemed to be joining in. He caught a glimpse of Rose and Rolf Scamander jigging about.
And there was his fellow champion. She was always near him, he could always see her, and he resented it. Why id he have to see her and Malfoy laughing pompously whilst he was lumbered with a excitable french girl who hardly spoke English?
Yes, he was in a bad mood.
After the first pop song the dancers went back to the tables, he and the rest of the champions, accompanied by their partners, made their way to sit at the head table with their heads and Percy Weasley and Katie Bell. He didn't talk much, jut stared at Lily and Malfoy, who were talking about - the time. What?
''Yes, I have to leave at twelve.''
''It's a shame though, still, you have no choice.''
He shook his head and tried to stop eavesdropping.
At least there was dessert to look forward to.