The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Fifteen

Chapter 16

Chapter 15 ~ A Waltz in the Common Room

It was a few days before the ball that Albus finally got Lily Archeron alone in the common room. Rob and Fred had gone to detention because of playing wizard chess during History of Magic, and His sister and Rose were somewhere around, probably trying to find Rose a date. In fact, that's what most of the students were doing, the reason that the common room was empty. Albus glanced at Lily, who was scribbling away at an essay for Transfiguration. He coughed.

''Hey, Lily, so, you learnt to ''waltz'' yet?'' He tried to start smoothly.

She looked up  and smiled.

''Yes. It's pretty easy you know.'' She glanced at him teasingly, her good mood beginning to show. He laughed.

''Well, actually I haven't learnt yet.'' 

She tutted in mock sterness at him, and then; ''D'you want me to teach you?''

He smiled. ''Ummm, ok then.'' 

She rose and dragged him up.

''Ok, right, put one hand on my waist.'' She pulled his hand into the correct position, earning a blush from Albus. ''And the other on my shoulder.'' This time he moved his hand. ''There, and then your feet follow mine, in the pattern of three steps, Like so; One two three, One two three, One two three - Good! Keep going.'' He laughed as they ''One-two-three'd'' round the space and he tried to avoid crashing into chairs - and failed.

''Ok, now we can do a spin, yes, good, just don't try and take me out at the same time. Now a jump; you lift me up...''




Albus flopped into a chair. ''I never thought dancing could be so exhausting.'' He panted. Lily laughed.

''Well, at lease you know how to do it now.'' She herself was not out of breath, cheeks only slightly flushed, eyes sparkling merrily. She sat down in the chair next to Albus and reached for her essay again. Albus stopped it with one of his own hands and met eyes with the expectant but slightly confused ones of Lily's. 

''Look, Lily, I know we're fellow champions and everything, but -'' He took a deep breath. ''- D'you wanna go to the ball with me?''

She withdrew her hand awkwardly and sighed. ''I'm sorry Albus, but I'm already going with some one.''

Albus felt that numbness to him and blinked several times. ''Oh.'' 

Lily looked guiltily at him. ''Sorry, but, he asked me straight away, so...'' She realized she'd said the wrong thing and put her hands over her face. 

Now it was his turn to feel guilty. He took her hands off her face and smiled as sincerely as he could, despite his feelings underneath. ''No worries, see? I hope you have a great time.'' She lifted her head and smiled. Good, he had looked sincere. ''Who you going with anyway?'' He enquired lightly.

She smiled awkwardly. ''Ummm, Vlad.''

Albus froze. ''Vlad - Vlad Malfoy?!'' 

Lily nodded. ''How many other Vlads do we know?''

Albus brushed his hair back. Malfoy.  Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy, Always Malfoy! He rose and began to gather up his stuff. Lily sighed. 

''Look, I'm sorry-''

 He shook his head. ''No, as I said, no worries.'' And he exited the common room.

Lily looked around her, she didn't know what to do. And that's when she saw Lily Potter entering the common room. 

''What's up with Albus?'' Lily P asked. ''I just saw him racing down the staircases looking like the world had come to an end.''

Lily looked awkward.

''Ah.'' Lily P sat down with recognition. ''He asked you, didn't he.''

Lily nodded. ''But - I'm already going with someone.'' She looked at her friend. ''Vlad Malfoy.''

Lily Potter raised her eyebrows. ''Well, now I can see why Albus looked like that.'' She rose. ''Anyway, I feel like some confectionary. Just gonna fetch some chocolate frogs from the dormitary.'' She turned to go up the stair, but Lily called.

"You're not angry with me, are you?"

Lily Potter sighed but spoke honestly. "No...just - be careful who you choose."

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