The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Thirteen

Chapter 14

Chapter 13 ~ In the Sick Bay

'' 'She alright now Madam Pomfrey?'' Albus inquired, after his own injury had been dealt with. He felt awful. If he hadn't gone for the portkey instead of Lily, she'd be burn-free right now and they'd have a good score. It was only because of her last efforts that they'd managed to pass.  He shivered, remembering her face in that last dash to the portkey. It hadn't been Lily's face.

''In answer to your question Potter, her burns have healed up fine. In fact-'' Madam Pomfrey creased her brow. ''-They'd already healed up before I got to her. I don't know what happened. But she's still in a fragile mental state. She's in some sort of stupor at the moment, muttering nonsense. Hopefully we can get her out of it.''

''How's she doing?'' Vlad Malfoy strode in, a concerned expression dawning his pale face. Albus tried not to look at him as Madam Pomfrey repeated what she'd just told Albus. Why did Malfoy have to come and see Lily?

Vlad, upon hearing the information, nodded in recognition. ''I'm not surprised she's in this state.'' He sat down on a chair next Lily's bed. ''She has a tremendous fear of fire.'' Madam Pomfrey glanced at her patient. 

''That explains it then.'' And she bustled out of the room.

Albus rose and walked over to Lily's bed. She murmuring something, some of those words that he'd heard mutter, whisper, speak on a few occasions. He looked across at Vlad.

''So, you know her well then.'' He said with a slight sneering tone. It wasn't naturally intended, but he couldn't help it. He was speaking to Vlad Malfoy, after all. ''She certainly spends a lot of time with you.'' He felt that familiar sting of jealousy. Vlad looked up angrily at this comment.

''My father has been her guardian for many years.'' He said defensively. And then, maybe in a slightly taunting tone. ''I know things about Lily Archeron that other people wouldn't dream of.''

Albus flared up. ''Really? And what are those things? I've been her friend since the moment she arrived here, and I'm pretty sure I know her well!'' But as he said this, he felt his heart sink. Who was he kidding? He barely knew anything of the mysteries that surrounded Lily Archeron. 

Vlad saw this too. ''Really. Well, you have a lot to learn about her, Potter.'' Albus was just about to punch Vlad Malfoy's smug face in when Lily sat bolt upright.

''Legolas! Tariel!'' She turned to Vlad. ''Vlad.'' He smiled at her and she threw her arms around his shoulders whilst Albus glared at the two from his chair by the hospital bed. Why did Vlad Malfoy have to know so much about Lily Archeron whilst he knew so little?

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