The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament

By Lilia Le Fay

In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...

Last Updated

May 31, 2021





Chapter Eleven

Chapter 12

Chapter 11 ~ The First Task

All November, all Lily and Albus seemed to do was fly Hippogriffs. They both wanted to be ready, they were like that. Hard workers. Never missed a chance. But after a while, flying got cold. Lily literally froze to her mount one time, and Albus was constantly shivering. They were practising spells, too. Eventually, because of all their efforts, they both became grumpy and snappish, Lily most of all. She was more distant on days and became more and more secretive. The only time she spent time with any of her friends was in class or at meals, and the only time she spent with Albus was when they were training. She was beginning to feel the strain of keeping her secret. As a result, she spent more and more time with Vladimir Malfoy, the only person she could be herself with. 

Albus had a lot of angry flushes in November. He just couldn't understand why Lily was so distant, and why she kept associating with Vlad Malfoy. But, apart from the cold when flying the hippogriffs, he was fine tournament matters. They'd done all they could.

And then the day came. The First of December. The day of the first task. Both he and Lily avoided breakfast and proceeded to engage in a long conversation on all they'd learnt. 


Rob entered the common room, followed by Professor Silvers. ''Albus, Lily, you're needed.'' They both glanced up nervously and stood to follow Professor Silvers out of the room. Rob grinned at Albus as he passed ''You'll be fine'', and winked at Lily. Albus couldn't help but chuckle at the gesture and Lily grinned, a reaction he was taken aback by. 

She laughed at his surprised expression. ''He amuses me.'' She replied. He smiled faintly, glad that she hadn't taken it seriously. It was just the way Rob was. Still, he wished he could wink freely at her.

The two of them then quietened as the sinking feeling returned to their stomachs. There was silence until they reached the enormous arena that had been built for the task and entered the tent ajoined onto it.

Professor Mcgonagall smiled as they entered, and took them to one side. ''We're just waiting for the Beabaxtons and then we'll start.''

And at that moment, the blue-robed witches entered, accompanied by Madam Maxine, and they gathered round Katie Bell, who began; 

''For this task, the two members of every team will each ride a Hippogriff. Together, the team must try and lay one hand from each team member onto a Portkey - a golden cup in the center of the arena. However, spells, creatures and obstacles will stand in your way, appearing at certain moments during the procedure. It is up to you to mount and ride the Hippogriffs as well as you can.'' She glanced at the group. ''We have wizards on hand who will help if anything gets out of hand, but hopefully it won't.'' She turned to the Beabaxtons. ''You'll go first. The task starts in twenty minutes or so.'' She gave the three teams a final smile and slipped out of the tent, the three headteachers and Professor Silvers following her after wishing the best of luck for their teams.

Silence followed the exit of the four teachers as the six champions fell to fidgeting, thinking and wearing out the grass under their feet. Lily twitched, Albus paced, the Beabaxton's sat and played with their hair and the two sneering Durmstrang students muttered things to each other with loud intervals of laughter, obviously an action that they used to take their minds off the upcoming task.

Twenty minutes later, the nervous twitters were interrupted by the entrance of Katie Bell and Madam Maxine. ''Ok you two, time to start!'' Katie grinned at the Beabaxtons, but the two girls looked like they were about to faint and Madam Maxine swept them into a hug. It was a surprise the huge headmistress didn't break their spines, but apparently the gesture made the two girls feel better, and they retired to a small tent to change before Katie lead them into the arena, Madam Maxine sweeping out to make her way up to the viewers seating.

The was a wave of applause as the team entered the arena, and from then the commentary started. Lily blocked her ears after the first comment '' Oh dear, that was not wise! Can she get back on it again?'' and a few minutes later Albus did the same. It didn't help to hear what was happening to their two rivals.

After another twenty minutes, the Beabaxton's must have managed to get hold of the portkey, as Katie Bell and Professor Mcgonagall entered. Albus hurriedly took his fingers out of his ears and nudged Lily. She looked up fearfully, her face now a bleached white colour. 

''Ok, Potter, Archeron, take these and quickly change into them.'' Katie Bell handed each of them a bundle of black clothing, gesturing to two cubicles at the back of the tent. Albus nodded, and Lily disappeared into one.

Albus' heart was racing. Why, oh why did he sign himself up for this? He had that burning feeling in his chest, like when you're about to go on stage. 

He slipped on the clothes, finding that is consisted of tight black trousers and shirt of a waterproof-ish material, accompanied by high leather boots. Well, they'd be ok to move in. He took out the bundle of robes he'd been wearing previously and exited the cubicle, only to be greeted by Lily, who was also dressed in tight black garments, though her jacket was leather. She frowned, tugging at it. 

''I don't know how I'm going to get out of these after the task. I think someone'll have to cut them off me.'' She pulled her hair back  before looking him up and down. ''You look good, though.'' He smiled almost shyly and hurried to put the robes on a chair. Katie Bell gave them a quick glance.

''Ok, you ready?'' Albus dearly wanted to say ''No'', but he gave a quick nod and followed her out into the arena, Lily by his side. She grasped his hand as they entered, looked at him and gave him a quick nod. They knew what to do. They'd be ok.

Katie Bell left them standing opposite they're coal-black hippogriffs and made her way up to the commentators box. 

''Albus Potter and Lily Archeron, champions for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!'' There was applause before she continued; ''Let their task - begin!''

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