The Dimension Game - Book One: A Triwizard Tournament
By Lilia Le Fay
In the year 2024, thirty years after Harry Potter's bitter victory in the first modern Triwizard Tournament, Albus Potter, his son, is hoping to become champion of the next. But this time it's going to be more difficult. There's new rules, new tasks, and a mysterious girl who enters the fray...
Last Updated
May 31, 2021
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Ten ~ A lesson and an apology
It was a week after the wand weighing that the rift between Albus and Lily was healed. It was a Care of Magical Creatures lesson - a strange one at that, as Hagrid was showing them creatures that they'd covered four years ago - Hippogriffs.
''Ok, well, if everyone'd like to get into groups of four and take a Hippogriff. You should know what to do.'' *
Hagrid adressed his class. Albus and Lily exchanged glances. Albus sighed, and walked over to join Fred and Rob beside a white Hippogriff.
''I don't have any problem with Hippogriffs, but I would like to know why Hagrid is covering them again.'' Rob said under his breath, bowing to the Hippogriff.
''I think I know why.'' The three boys turned their heads to be greeted by Lily. She bowed to the creature. ''I think me and Albus'll be doing something with them in the first task.''
Fred raised his eyebrows. ''And what makes you think that?''
''Well, I just received news that me and Albus will be staying behind with Hagrid for a bit after the lesson.'' She looked up at the Hippogriff, who was preening it's wing. ''Don't you think that means anything?'' Lily bowed again, keeping an eye on the Hippogriff. She made a clicking noise and got it's attention, still stooping in a deep bow. It jerked it's head before slowly kneeling to return the gesture.
Slowly, Lily walked over to the animal, murmuring something. The three boys watched and Rob turned to his friends. ''What's she saying?'' Albus listened to her murmuring.
''I dunno.'' He creased his brow. ''Sounds strange. Like her accent almost.''
He watched her stroke the snowy-white brow of the animal, Hagrid also watching her with a smile.
''Quenya, maltrae ey Quenya.'' She murmured, stroking the frisking creature. She turned to look at Hagrid and he nodded. Still stroking the animal, she clambered onto it's back and Hagrid strode forward and gave the Hippogriff a slap.
''Off you go!''*
The Hippogriff soared overhead, two more joining it. Rob watched the creature fly out of view.
''Wow, she certainly gets going quickly, doesn't she?''
Ok, off you go the rest of you. It's only Lily and Albus staying behind.''* Hagrid ushered the rest of the class out of the glade before turning to the two students.
''Ok, well, I have something to tell you.'' * He looked around him warily. ''Only, you mustn't tell anyone else.'' *
''Hagrid, we already guessed that Hippogriffs are involved in the first task.'' Lily replied. ''And thank you, for covering them today.''
Hagrid smiled. ''Ah, that was no problem. Just remember all that you've learnt today.''* He smiled and walked with them to the gate.
''Good luck for that first task, whenever it is!''*
He waved to them as they made their way up the path. Lily turned to Albus as soon as Hagrid was out of sight.
''Ok, so, what'd you think they'll use the Hippogriffs for?'' The determined look had returned. Albus smiled and stopped.
''Look, I'm sorry for what happened after the wand-weighing. I didn't mean to pry or anything.''
Lily smiled back at him. ''No, I overreacted. It's just, some things I have to keep to myself. I just can't tell you anything about them.'' She sadly, before looking slightly reproachful. ''But you didn't have to turn on Vlad like that.''
Albus sighed '' The Malfoy's have never been very kind to Me, Lily, or James, my elder brother who left a few years back. They were always picking on us, Vlad and his brother. Sorry, but I can't help if I flare up at Vlad after all the times he hexed me and Lily.''
Lily looked surprised. ''But - he said it was always James and you picking on him!'' She frowned.
Albus shrugged. ''There's always two sides to a story.'' He turned to look Lily in the eye and took hold of her hands. ''We friends again?'' She met his eyes with that powerful green stare.
*I cannot write Hagrid's accent, so please try and imagine it.